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Angry Mike

System Warrior
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Posts posted by Angry Mike

  1. Got TLOU this morning :juggle:

    Decided to try The Walking Dead this weekend, got Season 1 for $10 during the PSN E3 sale

    and holy shit this game owns :bow:

    I was eskeptical about it first, the graphics are not that sharp but the gameplay and story wuickly won me over, perhaps the best $10 I spent this generation.

    Love the choices, they do a better job than ass effect :mickey:

    Lmao there was a ridiculously long thread at the Coli about how TWD games present choices better than the mass effect series. I agree for the most part

  2. how do you compare TR to the the first 2-3 hours of Uncharted 3, I loved U2 but damn U3 dragged and dragged...

    Tomb Raider is probably an overall better game than UC3 with some exceptions, like locales, characters, dialog and the obvious stuff ND does such a fine job at.

    tomb was definitely better in the gameplay aspect.

    Yeah, the bow is pretty dope in this shit. The combat seems much better than Uncharted so far.

  3. There's a lot of QTEs, but they introduce you to the combat not too late. About 30-45 into the game. I'm going into this without any clue about the game honestly, and it's impressing me. Well except for it not having my save. I know it should have saved at the campfire

    It's not really dragging though. It starts off exciting enough. Curious to see how it progresses with this story though.

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