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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Fuckstick

  1. http://t-shirt-surgery.livejournal.com/3607643.html Get your t-shirts tailored or just do it yourself
  2. They're half nipple. Reminds me of my 14 year old GF tits. I wad also 14 before you start.
  3. Your chins fine, I'm just winding you up. Yea that chick has weird boobs. I thought she was only 13 or Something because they don't look developed. She's still hot though.
  4. I do agree with mal being a desperate weirdo. Hey mal what happened to that girl you claimed wanted to fuck you but you didn't think he was hot enough or something. I remember there was a pretty big thread about it.
  5. You look like Nathan drake with no neck. Your chin just melts into your body.
  6. No it's the lesbian(lol can't remember her name). What is cookes new name? haven't seen him in ages.
  7. Both of you need to shave that bum fluff above your lip. They look awful, like something a 13 year old would have to prove he can grow facial hair.
  8. I can just imagine DMC in a job interview "I can smoke 5 blunts and not feel shit yo". He's such a degenerate. He honestly has the the maturity of a 14 year old.
  9. Jokes aside you have to remember he's 16, I'm sure teenage girls going through a piss off dad phase will be all over him.
  10. http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRsTnVVBxsbWcc9gJmTR5tvo1drWs9Q-o0C4J6hd7ZltnknfOoz&t=1
  11. I can just imagine his mom taking him around to see his granny and her thinking he's such a nice little boy. Then one day he arrives looking like a meth addict and she mentally removes him from her will.
  12. I love how because operator wasn't a high school drug addict he must be an uncle Tom. Yet you will still claim it's the White man keeping you down when you basically criticise black people for not being degenerates.
  13. http://www.filesonic.com/file/291469464/Jessie_Dreamchaser_Picture_Collection.rar lol almost 1000 pics of that chick
  14. Did some googling of that DMC chick http://www.boxingscene.com/forums/showthread.php?t=356692
  15. Alcoholism is not the same as Drug addictions Dumbest thing that I have read on this forum. Is it worse than spacegoats and ironing? What was ironing? simpsons quote?
  16. I actually don't give a fuck how many innocent people get killed what I find annoying is the Holier than thou reverence people have for US soldiers when really all they are people who couldn't go to college unless they were willing to be shot at and if they actually had any other option they never would have enlisted. Then there is the bullshit where they actually convince themselves they are having a positive impact on the world by fighting illegal wars Everyone pretends to respect them when really they are just glad there is someone dumb enough to fight for oil so they don't have to do it th
  17. Go back to college. Gonna get payed for living and getting full tuition for school. Not sure I wanna major in though. Definitely want to work in a similar field of logistics. This was so obviously your motivation for joining. So cut the wanna save the world bullshit when it's really "Kill a few innocent people...fuck it why not if it pays for college.":D
  18. how long have you been Chief Engineer on the Red Nose Express? I don't know what that means?
  19. How often do you think truno dry humps his 6" link statue?
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