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Why do people consider DOA to be a shallow fighter?

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You just said the counter system is too complex,  therefore the game is simple. You're a fucking retard,  unaware you're a fucking retard.  No doubt,  you fucking suck at this game,  AND YOU HAVEN'T E

LAWL, its a button masher. The gameplay is fast. Too fast for a fighter, anybody can just randomly press a button just mash it, and you'll win. And with the counter system made more difficult in DoA4,

Damn - this thread owned. TLHBFR.

sweep,sweep,sweep,sweep,uppercut, missed uppercut, punchpunchpunchpunchpunchpunch sweep :happysad::king::D

MK gameplay :DB) B) B) B) B) B) B):D :D :D

:D:D:D:D The punches. :D!!!


:D :D :D :D :D

Bu but teh Liu Kang bycicle kick chawalalooitewailakadee!11 :happysad:

hold LK for 5 seconds:DMost tactical move ever. :D

godly fighter :D

you laugh but had you been a gamer back in those days, I bet you be playing it.

Lawl, I liked it for the blood and fatalities the first time I played it, but the game was shit compared to Street Fighter II.

that's what made it better than SFII B)

Lawl, no right to speak about fighters anymore confirmed. B) in denial aren't we? B)
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sweep,sweep,sweep,sweep,uppercut, missed uppercut, punchpunchpunchpunchpunchpunch sweep :happysad::king::D

MK gameplay :DB) B) B) B) B) B) B):D :D :D

:D:D:D:D The punches. :D!!!


:D :D :D :D :D

Bu but teh Liu Kang bycicle kick chawalalooitewailakadee!11 :happysad:

hold LK for 5 seconds:DMost tactical move ever. :D

godly fighter :D

you laugh but had you been a gamer back in those days, I bet you be playing it.

Lawl, I liked it for the blood and fatalities the first time I played it, but the game was shit compared to Street Fighter II.

that's what made it better than SFII B)

this is why we laugh:D It was a trap. B)
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hey eva don't you have tekken psp?

Yeah, it owns hard. :king: I wanna destroy your ghost :D ghosts are not accurate


I can teach it some juggles and other nasty shit. :D and it will barely use them


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hey eva don't you have tekken psp?

Yeah, it owns hard. :D I wanna destroy your ghost :D ghosts are not accurate


I can teach it some juggles and other nasty shit. B) and it will barely use them


Really? :king:
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hey eva don't you have tekken psp?

Yeah, it owns hard. :D I wanna destroy your ghost :D ghosts are not accurate


I can teach it some juggles and other nasty shit. B) and it will barely use them


Really? :king:i said to myself ...what a good ideea with ghosts..but are not accurate

take for example Gran Turismo when you record a ghost , now those ghosts are 100% accurate


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hey eva don't you have tekken psp?

Yeah, it owns hard. :D I wanna destroy your ghost :D ghosts are not accurate


I can teach it some juggles and other nasty shit. B) and it will barely use them


Really? :king:i said to myself ...what a good ideea with ghosts..but are not accurate

take for example Gran Turismo when you record a ghost , now those ghosts are 100% accurate


Yeah, ofcourse it won't really represent how you play, but is it really imposasible to make a good ghost though? .|
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Remember when cows bashed the game for looking like crap comparing it to "the real time" Tekken from 05....ahh sweet cow rapage once the real Tekken screens came out in 06 :happysad::D:D

DOA gets bashed for a shit load of other things :happysad:
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