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The super Systemwars flashback nostalgia thread

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Nah just reading through the thread.  I would never fuck this place up on purpose. This place is probably the reason I didn't graduate college, literally poured hundreds of hours into keeping thi

ahahahahahahahahahah after I posted that I just realized that HolyAx's pic was referencing the white-guy-masquerading-as-black guy thing by making his ass white but his face black. Didn't look at it t

i have an autism level memory in general, no joke i remember things from 10 years ago from conversations with people irl and it freaks them out

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31 minutes ago, -GD- said:


lmfao, bhytre!! i remember when you made this. the leg move is :tom::tom::tom:

lol! I'm laughing my ass off going through my old PC's files, it's like opening a time capsule :tom:




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paging overtech to this thread:

linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux support help windows pc linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux install system help linux new linux version feature linux linux linux linux linux linux linux

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do you guys remember forum sig tags from 2005?


It was randar23rhenn who invented that and started using it. Soon I saw it in peoples sigs on every forum and website I went to.

SW/GS in its golden age was so godly that it could influence the internet and millions of people :bow: 

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31 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

do you guys remember forum sig tags from 2005?


It was randar23rhenn who invented that and started using it. Soon I saw it in peoples sigs on every forum and website I went to.

SW/GS in its golden age was so godly that it could influence the internet and millions of people :bow: 

damn I had no idea he came up with that. I remember using a BF2 one that was pretty cool.

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When PS3 flopped after E3 one year lol. I'm a PS4 cow and was PS3 all last generation too though.

Anyone remember Wassim letting all this racist shit go on until he was targeted then he left?

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15 minutes ago, culturalcrowns said:

Those sigs aren't ugly, bro. Some of those are still ingrained in my memory. They were beautiful and they give me amazing nostalgia. :-*

:-* thanks 

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On 06/10/2017 at 1:50 PM, SheepKilla said:

GD, FilthyN was famous as fuck on Gamespot in mid 2005 after he made that post. Dude became an internet meme before internet memes existed. People posted "shuddup wit dat science fiction talk fool" in all the threads for years. He was a legend.

if you already knew that and just meant "whose alt was he," then I don't know. That's one of the many unresolved questions to this day. I heard people saying it was lodge years back, but that's it. I doubt how accurate that is.

also, photobucket deleting my images after 5 seconds of posting them



No that wasn't me.  I'm not sure who it was.

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To this day nobody knows who FilthyN was but he was god-tier trolling level.  I got this saved on my computer

Topic: Favorite game?

FilthyN posted: "True Crime fo sho."

NicholasTibbia posted: "God damn i hate you you are a fvcken idiot. You have no taste in games and you think you are some gangsta. If you are a gangsta posting on here like and idiot makes all you gangstas look pathetic. You and all your gansta buddies should be shot. Now STFU.

P.S Go ahead and report me. I don't give a fvck anymore"

FilthyN posted: " Damn, someone needz ta chill"


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