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The super Systemwars flashback nostalgia thread

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This thread :D it's more interesting seeing the old screenshots. Windows XP, old school firefox, xfire etc

Those were the days back before Facebook, twitter all kicked off. Back when youtube was still young. When we all posted from a PC and not smartphones. Completely different times.

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Nah just reading through the thread.  I would never fuck this place up on purpose. This place is probably the reason I didn't graduate college, literally poured hundreds of hours into keeping thi

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i have an autism level memory in general, no joke i remember things from 10 years ago from conversations with people irl and it freaks them out

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On 10/18/2017 at 11:11 PM, kokujin said:

I remember him more of a bot and drove NO joy from him at all

 Someone like cityboy at least had art.


And again way to be unsophisticated.  God you're dumb.

Ownage God used to go around the forums telling people he was a "videogame connoisseur" and an "Intellectual", and then write hilarious long 1/10 star reviews of Super Mario Sunshine and Pikmin. sheep on the site were obsessed with him. that's god tier level trolling. 

Cityboy was just some fool that made dumb threads people replied to.

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On 10/8/2017 at 10:38 PM, SheepKilla said:

Stfu lowtcp, you didn't own anyone. you can't even say what happened you clown :mj: just a baseless assertion you broke him somehow, with no other details at all

Lmao lowtcp making up a false event that he broke a troll for internet cred :mj: you're not even in the same league as SM you fool. you got played.

lmao in the finaly days before the last of us left this forum in 2014, this bitch was made mod and went on a fucking power trip banning EVERYONE who took the piss out of him in even the slightest way :D must have been his way of enacting revenge after being nothing but a target for years.

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8 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

Ownage God used to go around the forums telling people he was a "videogame connoisseur" and an "Intellectual", and then write hilarious long 1/10 star reviews of Super Mario Sunshine and Pikmin. 

Ok that's retry funny and sophisticated.  Cityboy broke character somewhat 10 years later actually and it was so funny to see his commitment to his character in comparison it made me grow *sophistication & respect towards him. I think it was a thread about racism or politics.


I still hate one liner posters.

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1 minute ago, TLHBO said:

lmao in the finaly days before the last of us left this forum in 2014, this bitch was made mod and went on a fucking power trip banning EVERYONE who took the piss out of him in even the slightest way :D must have been his way of enacting revenge after being nothing but a target for years.

Lol I must have banned you


If I'm a target for doing my own thing,  clearly yall STAY ENVIOUS 

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I banned chimp,  and that was it. And ya damn right. I didn't want or need the mod job so I had fun with it.  I find it hilarious how yall still got my nuts in your mouth and sputter out I'm forgetful in the same breath.

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Who didn't you ban back then? :D


Fucking 10 members left and you banned 5 just because they disagreed with you. Then the forum was left for jimbo, spidapig and yourself to eternally shitpost in :killzone:

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