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Trump just tweeted a clip from Curb       

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I saw Ford vs Ferrari last night.


I think it does help if you have watched some basic video explaining automobile racing history. But maybe not because it might spoil the ending.


Its a pleasant movie. it moves rather swiftly for a 2hr 20 m movie, You finally hear Christian Bale speak in his native accent. Its kind of light in terms of genuine car jargon. it works as a solid history movie. You can take your pops to see it, he'll love it.

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Oh my lord almighty!  I need to take a short break and release myself 

12 minutes ago, Optimus Jim said:

Looks at Brie Larson's tits in this. She hosts for Jimmy Kimmel's show since he was away: 


nice tits.  would you fuck her or the pale waves if you had to choose?


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Ok, I'm going into The Witcher right now.


But I gotta say..........Henry Cavill absolutely, just straight-up, is doing the same exact Geralt voice from the video game.


:blessed:Especially in the quiet, non-action scenes. I'm on board already.


Episode 1 Review: Rock solid start, I think they missed an opportunity to explain a couple of details that would've improved the narrative. There's two stories happening, and they could've tied them together with a nice twist.


And I think they could've done a better job depicting a massive tragic event with a more epic presentation. 


Its an origin story, and since it involves the destruction of something, they could've made it look more dark and bleak than it was.


Music is fantastic. Presentation is absolutely top notch. Either they are straight-up using Witcher 3 video game as the basis for the presentation, or CD Projekt Red has always gotten The Witcher presentation correct from the very beginning, and the book writer is just a bitter ole bastard who doesn't want to give them credit.


The dialogue is not like super heavy or intense, but there are clever pieces of dialogue, and there's some dry humor.


Already, Geralt has some snark to him by the middle of the episode. Geralt's story plays out like a local side quest from the game.


And lastly, there's a title that people call Geralt by in Witcher 3, if you played the game you must've heard it about at least 100 times.  In this episode, you find out why he's called that.



Edited by jehurey
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Oh, and the action. Specifically the combat.


There's two types of combat. Regular combat you'd see in typical battle scenes. Some shots are good, alot of them are quick shots of not-so-very-good extras taking a sword and dying spastically.


And then there was the very well choreographed scene of Geralt fighting a group of guys in the middle of a small town.


Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit:lawd: Its like the John Wick of sword fighting scenes. I ain't kidding, neither.

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By the way, I think I need to make a public service announcement for people who are going to start going into The Witcher.


This isn't a spoiler, you sorta need to know this.


Whenever you are watching scenes with Geralt, you are watching him in a certain point of time.


Whenever you are watching Yennefer, you are watching her at a certain point of time.


And since Ciri is the youngest, her scenes would be considered the "present day" of when the main storyline for this season is supposed to be taking place.


WItcher's and Sorceresses can live for a very long time. Because they want to show the backstory for the main characters, you are watching multiple timelines happening. There's small hints here and there, but some people may be confused.

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Just finished The Witcher.


I definitely have conflicting thoughts on it. As a fan of the games, its great seeing a live action version of this universe and the story does have its fair share of great moments.


That said the storytelling in general is messy, and the way they handle the character arcs and those timelines makes the show feel disjointed.


As a whole Yennefer's arc is by far the best developed, and I enjoyed her character more than any of the others (also the actress is damn hot). Ciri on the other hand is the weakest character in the show. Her story goes absolutely nowhere until the end, and as a whole shes just weak, naive, and just plain stupid at times. I realize that this is her origin story and technically it also exists separately from the games, but I still can't help but be disappointed at how inferior this portrayal of her character is compared to how she is in Witcher 3.


I do think Henry Cavill does do a good job as Geralt, and his storyline is decent overall even if the structure of it has the same problems as the others.


And as already mentioned the swordfighting scenes and action in general is pretty good, though the CG and special effects are a mixed bag. Some stuff looks good but there are parts that are completely cheap and awful looking.


So yeah, im sure ill have more thoughts about it but in general its a decent start. After seeing where things go in the finale theres no way season 2 won't be an improvement, so im definitely looking forward to it.


My verdict: 7/10


Edited by Twinblade
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Only on the second ep of Witcher but initial thoughts are decent so far. Amazing final fight scene with Gerald, did not expect that level of choreography, especially since the sfx and some other aspects seems a little low budget. Casting seems good so far too. Main issue is it’s storytelling. Very exposition heavy this early on. Keen to continue 

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Episode 2 and 3 work pretty well watching them together because it forms the origin story for one of the characters.


I really like Geralt's stories here because they feel like isolated mini-quests that help build Geralt's legend. Both of them 8/10's


Episode 4 was really interesting, because it started out okay, maybe not to interesting, and then in the second half, shit started happening.


And that is where it explains how Geralt is tied to Ciri, through some flukish circumstances. Special effects look cheap in some crucial scenes, but that isn't that big of a deal.


Its at this point where I am realizing that it really would amplify the experience if you had some sort of cliffnotes knowledge of the Witcher books. I know some of it just by skimming the Witcher Wiki.


Episode 4 would've been a 9/10 for me, but the special effects might kick it down to a 8/10

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13 hours ago, madmaltese said:

Only on the second ep of Witcher but initial thoughts are decent so far. Amazing final fight scene with Gerald, did not expect that level of choreography, especially since the sfx and some other aspects seems a little low budget. Casting seems good so far too. Main issue is it’s storytelling. Very exposition heavy this early on. Keen to continue 

Geralt. Sorry.

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