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8 hours ago, Snowman said:

By the way, if anyone else enjoys Tony Dalton who plays Lalo in BCS, check out Sr. Ávila on HBO. He plays a hitman leading a double life, it’s basically Dexter meets Sopranos for the Latino community. Well worth the watch

He’s incredible. I will have to check that out. 

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Sam Raimi officially on board to direct Dr. Strange 2. :aitch:


That's the movie I'm most excited about in MCU's phase 4. Raimi directed one of the best superhero movies too, Spider-Man 2.

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On 2020-04-17 at 3:30 PM, Twinblade said:

nice, the last season was a lot of fun.

I watched thru S3 last year and while it was overall a good show, i just couldn’t vibe with the actor that plays Bosch. I’ve been meaning to revisit it because I’ve heard great things about S4 and S5, and maybe my thoughts about him will change given the long break..but I can’t seem to find the interest in doing so lol. 

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I did start Outlander earlier this week, and yeah TB, I see whatcha mean about the romantic drama aspect getting a lil too much in S1. Think I’m on episode 8 or 9 but it’s pretty dope other than that. Dunno if I would’ve watched it had it not been for the quarantine but it’s got my interest at the moment

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On 2020-04-17 at 2:44 PM, -GD- said:


this looks awesome! love mathew rhys and tatiana maslany. i dug the OG series too (hats off to raymond burr). oh...and that noir atmosphere :love: 

i never watched much of Penny Dreadful, but they are bringing back the series (sort of) by moving the story to 1938 Los Angeles, and it looks VERY good. Like very authentic.


And I love these tv series that are set in that time period.


For some reason, Boardwalk Empire never grabbed me. But I like old timey Los Angeles.


Reminds me of LA Confidential.

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So tonight’s Westworld was a bit of a mixed bag. On one hand, it was bogged down a bit by an unnecessary character’s reappearance. It was a bit jarring, tonally, considering the momentum from the past 3 episodes. Fortunately, it regained its footing with some insane action and one fucked up scene (which I think will be a major turning point between “two characters“)...

Anyhow, it was still an entertaining episode. I just wished this one particular character’s arc was over. 

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52 minutes ago, -GD- said:

So tonight’s Westworld was a bit of a mixed bag. On one hand, it was bogged down a bit by an unnecessary character’s reappearance. It was a bit jarring, tonally, considering the momentum from the past 3 episodes. Fortunately, it regained its footing with some insane action and one fucked up scene (which I think will be a major turning point between “two characters“)...

Anyhow, it was still an entertaining episode. I just wished this one particular character’s arc was over. 

Overall I loved the episode and thought it was the best of the season..well I’ll let it cool down and rewatch it, but it’s at the very least 2nd best imo.. it set a lot of things in place. Though It’s a shame there’s only 2 episodes left, it still feels like mid season. Thankfully there are more seasons to come so I have faith in Nolan’s team. 


I did find it a waste of time to show Maeve killing the Nazis all over again, waste of several minutes. I get she had to re-enter the simulation to interrogate a version of Dolores, but they should’ve just cut to where her and Lee are in the bar when Hector shows up, and it goes from there

That whole William scene with all the Williams was goddamn perfect though. Ed Harris killed his scenes as always.


“If you can’t tell..does it even matter?”

"I was the best of us!!"

"Maybe you were, maybe you weren't.


“I know my purpose now, I’m the good guy” 


And Hale going from lil ole innocent Hale to god mode in an instant when Serac called her out was bad ass. Tessa Thompson has been brilliant this season. She was alright last season but was hindered because she was mostly just a one dimensional character. Having her pretend to be a human in a host body has given her room to show her range


Edited by Snowman
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Westworld was ok.  


I thought we had enough of seeing William’s thoughts and past so it felt a little filler like. That said, Ed Harris is an incredible and his performance here was amazing. I’m just wanting to get the Dolores vs. Maeve scenes already. I’d also like to spend more time on the Caleb and Dolores relationship. It’s more interesting. Tessa Thompson has been great and I’m really enjoying that whole story thread. Looks like she made it out of the explosion and could be the wild card in all of this. I’m wondering how this is all going resolve in only two episodes. 


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Regarding westworld 



While I love Ed Harris, and thought he was amazing as usual tonight, I’m with Ike about William’s character. And yes, the Maeve/Nazi thing is stale. 


And every scene with Tessa was amazing! 



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