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Trump just tweeted a clip from Curb       

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Ad Astra is getting good reviews.


But, I didn't know this, but the movie is a sci-fi space retelling of Heart of Darkness.


Which is what Apocalypse Now was based off of.


So, that has immediately piqued my interest. Its a mature space movie.

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Watched the movie Midsommar :scared:  

as a huge fan of last years hereditary I felt compelled to watch this. Overall it was quite good, not as good as hereditary but I definitely enjoyed it. but man a lot of it just makes you feel downright uncomfortable. It's actually pretty tame with violence and gore for the most part, it's more disturbing in other ways. 


jordan peele was right when he said it had some of the most disturbing imagery he's seen in a horror movie. Some of it just made me wonder, they can do this an an R rated theatrical movie? And now I just read he plans on releasing the NC-17 version with 30 more mins that he had to cut to get the R rating. 


Lord Jesus 

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1 hour ago, Delita said:

Watched the movie Midsommar :scared:  

as a huge fan of last years hereditary I felt compelled to watch this. Overall it was quite good, not as good as hereditary but I definitely enjoyed it. but man a lot of it just makes you feel downright uncomfortable. It's actually pretty tame with violence and gore for the most part, it's more disturbing in other ways. 


jordan peele was right when he said it had some of the most disturbing imagery he's seen in a horror movie. Some of it just made me wonder, they can do this an an R rated theatrical movie? And now I just read he plans on releasing the NC-17 version with 30 more mins that he had to cut to get the R rating. 


Lord Jesus 

i can't wait to not only see it, but see the definitive version. 

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same i watched one trailer with sound off and for some reason reminded me of "the village" but after hereditary im sure it wont be a boring ass village movie :scared:  

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3 hours ago, Ike said:



i don't think any sequel can ever touch the original terminator (i feel the same way about alien). still, it looks like dumb fun - much like the other terminator sequels. 

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18 minutes ago, -GD- said:

i don't think any sequel can ever touch the original terminator (i feel the same way about alien). still, it looks like dumb fun - much like the other terminator sequels. 

T2 is my favorite action movie of all time.

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14 minutes ago, Ike said:

IGN gave joker a 10 in their review. :ooh:

I never liked batman or the joker, i'm not the biggest fan of superheros but the first trailer was so good I was thinking this could be one of the best movies ever. I don't want to watch the other trailer.


Joaquin Phoenix is such a good actor and you could see he's perfect for the role.

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Some quotes from an interview with Joaquin Phoenix at the Venice Film Festival.




“For me, the attraction to make this film and this character was that we were going to approach it in our own way,” Phoenix explained at the Venice Film Festival. “So for me, I didn’t refer to past interpretations of the character.”



According to director Todd Phillips, he and Phoenix met six months prior to shooting to design the character, his look, and his laugh. But it was the actor’s dramatic weight loss—a reported 52 pounds—that really made things click.


“The first thing for us was the weight loss—I think that’s really what I started with. And, as it turns out, that then affects your psychology. You start to go mad when you lose that amount of weight in that amount of time,” said Phoenix. “There’s a book that I read about political assassins and would-be assassins that I thought was really interesting, and kind of breaks down the different types of personalities that do those sorts of things.”




Another helpful aide in locating the character was Fleck’s journal/joke book, filled with his nihilistic musings on the many absurdities of life.


“Very early on in the rehearsal, I was given the journal that he had—his journal and joke diary. And that was really helpful, because I had been there for a couple of weeks and wasn’t sure how I was going to start, and Todd sent this [empty] journal,” he recalled. “I didn’t know what to write, so I asked [Todd] for some suggestions, and after a few days, I ignored his suggestions and suddenly it was coming out. It became a really important part of the discovery of the character at that time.”




Phillips says his Joker was influenced by character studies of the ‘70s, including Taxi Driver, The King of Comedy, Serpico, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. But more so than those, the 1928 silent film The Man Who Laughs served as an important inspiration for director and star.



And though some may see the damaged Fleck as a “tragic” character, Phoenix begs to differ.


“I was interested in the light of Arthur, for lack of a better word,” he said. “It wasn’t just the torment; it was his struggle to find happiness, to feel connected, to find the warmth and love—that’s the part of the character I was interested in and worth exploring.”



Gonna be legit :whew:

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Some people are implying that its going to have a disturbing ending, and that some people may interpret the movie as a glamorization of something that is relevant to what is happening today.




Variety -

A dazzlingly disturbed psycho morality play, one that speaks to the age of incels and mass shooters and no-hope politics, of the kind of hate that emerges from crushed dreams.





Robbie Collin , Telegraph review

Here is my opinion of Joker: I think it's a very good film and I'm worried someone's going to get killed.

Make no mistake, this is a film that is going to stir up trouble – in the consciences of everyone who watches it, and almost certainly in the outside world as well. The dizzy, punch-drunk atmosphere after this morning’s loudly applauded screening at the Venice Film Festival mirrored the mood when Fight Club premiered here 20 years earlier,



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