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Another AAA for PS4. Spider-Man 9 at GS

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Wait a minute, an Incel is somebody who can't get women.   So, lemmings are people who can't get woman AND can't get games.   What would call that?   Lemcels?

Weird, I could swear there were more lemmings on SW. 

No downgrade either.. TLHBO 

6 minutes ago, Spicoli said:

What happened?

Spiderman got a 9.0 at GS, flopped everywhere else except sites like "dualshockers" 

Sheepets hiding behind cows as usual celebrate the victory for their masters more than the cows themselves actually, acting like they also got the game or something :tom:


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Just now, bhytre said:

Spiderman got a 9.0 at GS, flopped everywhere else except sites like "dualshockers" 

Sheepets hiding behind cows as usual celebrate the victory for their masters more than the cows themselves actually, acting like they also got the game or something :tom:


I still have to watch the review.  Hard to say.  I know that previous spiderman games were junk so not sure about this one,  Probably crap though :D

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Just now, Bodycount NX said:

so when FH4 outscores this everywhere, what's the excuse?

What's what excuse? That a comic book platformer isn't as good as a racing game? :grimaceleft:



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36 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

It's funny watching the sheep hide behind PS4 lmao


PSDitch :D


there are 3 Xbox fans here and you guys have dedicated this entire forum to us lmfao 


this sounds like bdg during the wiiu days, when they didn’t realize they were just the punching bag with the failing console. even spams like bdg too :hest: 

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7 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Wait a minute. Its gotten to the point where they are hoping that their ONLY game this year is able to defeat like Sony's 5th most hyped exclusive?


Talk about getting butt-WHITTLED.:lawl:

PS4 got DQXII, Guaca 2, Firewall Zero Hour and Spiderman in practically a week and the lems are still going on about their annual racer :D

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