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Shadow of the Tomb Raider gets a graphics upgrade

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Lol, Lemtards complains all day how Sony's games are all the same third person action game formula, then hypes the fuck out of the most generic B-rate take on third person action games in years. lmao

I can't stand all these inherently different third person games! A new Forza game every year!? Sign me right up!    lmfao

yeah, after the ROTR fiasco this franchise has been marked by the MSM and an enemy of the playstation brand. they're going to try and belittle this game every chance they get, still.

2 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

PlayStation sites are giving it 90's and 80's scores, you have no argument. 

and what is your argument?


Impulsegamer is only listed under xbox even though it's multiplat so thats metacritics fail.


Beyond that you have 1 source with playstation in the name giving it 90+ and 3 sources with xbox in the name giving it 90+

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Let's keep on listing the metacritic sites;


Two different Xbox Achievement tracking websites are considered gaming review websites





Wait a minute, they have a review from a fandom website, which is a Wikia website?:tom:

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3 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

PlayStation sites are giving it 90's and 80's scores, you have no argument. 


well that completely undercuts your argument about ps sites flopping it bc of some bias/vendetta, dumbass :D 

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1 minute ago, Quad Damage said:


well that completely undercuts your argument about ps sites flopping it bc of some bias/vendetta, dumbass :D 

I didn't say PlayStation sites were flopping it, I said and I quote "PlayStation people salty about Rise are letting their bias creep into their reviews."

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8 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

I didn't say PlayStation sites were flopping it, I said and I quote "PlayStation people salty about Rise are letting their bias creep into their reviews."


so tales from the ass that you cant support in anyway?


k, well i said and i quote "its legitimately B-grade (now C-D grade) TRASH "

Edited by Quad Damage
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3 minutes ago, Aza Team 2019 said:

Can someone explain to me why people are even bothering to defend this game? Like the last 2 were masterpieces or something.



1) The last one was time exclusive to xbox


2) They've shown off some XBX enhancements, which coming off point 1 makes lemmings assume this developer is in microsoft's court.


3) Lemmings can't ever have Uncharted, so they hype a multiplat clone like they've done ever since the days of the OG Xbox.

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the funny thing is, deeno unwittingly laid out on the previous page why this is getting lower scores on ps4, when he ran down all those ps4 aaa's. the standard for single player campaigns is objectively higher on ps4. meanwhile, take an xbox-only site where all the editors only game on xbox - for them, tomb raider is the pinnacle of non-rpg sp's along with battlefield campaigns and ubishit :kaz: 

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