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Soo BF:V is pretty fuckin awesome

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I went in-depth (in other threads) on why I'm going to pass on this game at launch; don't get me wrong, I'm a huge Battlefield fan , but there's a lot that needs fixing for me, and frankly I can't justify the full retail cost with those issues.

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1 minute ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

I went in-depth (in other threads) on why I'm going to pass on this game at launch; don't get me wrong, I'm a huge Battlefield fan , but there's a lot that needs fixing for me, and frankly I can't justify the full retail cost with those issues.


Like what? 


The gunplay is better

The guns themselves feel a lot better

The vehicles feel a lot better

The game runs smoother than ever

Checked all the boxes to me. Otherwise I love this large scale mayhem

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27 minutes ago, Vini said:


Like what? 


The gunplay is better

The guns themselves feel a lot better

The vehicles feel a lot better

The game runs smoother than ever

Checked all the boxes to me. Otherwise I love this large scale mayhem

1- Yes, the gunplay is very satisfying - but this isn't a  "+" it's an expectation of the battlefield series.


2 - The guns have a very funky upgrade system, in that they are truly upgrades; there's never a consideration, or trade-off. You upgrade to literally get faster bullets. 


Secondly if every upgrade is solely to make your gun better, and never comes with a trade-off: like more damage, but worse recoil; or less recoil, but more noticeable bullet drop.


Finally, on that point, you have to exit the game when you unlock a new gun, or want to add an upgrade, because you received additional funds. Cool, so let me leave my squad, leave the server, and switch guns...



3 - The vehicles have some cool new features, I like that ammunition isn't unlimited, but once again, upgrades are necessary  - so  it really sucks when a n00b takes the tank and has no upgrades, and immediately loses it in battle. 


Secondly, Anti-tank weapons do no extra damage: Meaning, there are no weak spots on any of the tanks. A Panzerfaust does 20 damage to the front, or the side, and rear... 



4 - Yes, the game runs very smooth, I will give Dice that, and this was a Beta, but let's be honest a plethora of companies do these 'Betas' 





The attrition system means you end up spawning and searching the mini-map for Health and ammunition since you start with 2 clips... So spawn on a squad and no one went support? Well better hope you get an ammo pack tossed, or run back to your control point. Because I can empty the Sten/STG 44 in about 15 seconds.



Everyone can revive now? Cool, except I was hardly ever revived by teammates in the two days I played, but I picked up massive points just picking up guys that were literally run over.


A smaller nitpick I had about it was that you press E (or whatever comparable button on your controller) to revive, and if you press it again, you can cancel the revive if you need to fight back. I found that out by trial & error, as I thought I was just glitching out. But no where did  I see it advertised, or mentioned.


Edited by Teh_Diplomat
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10 minutes ago, Vini said:

Yea I like how it kinda forces more team play because of the scarce resources. 

In theory yes, but people still select Medic/Support and somehow are oblivious to tossing their packs out...


I figured this was going to be an issue when I first heard about its implementation; because really DICE penalized the community and not incentivized us for teamplay.


There's already feedback from DICE that they're looking at increasing the starting ammunition.


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There are so many baffling design choices.....having to hold down a button just so you bleed out quicker every single time you die is just ridiculous. There are lots of small little annoyances like that which rub me the wrong way and make me think the game is being rushed or they didn't do enough play testing.

Edited by Twinblade
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7 hours ago, Twinblade said:

There are so many baffling design choices.....having to hold down a button just so you bleed out quicker every single time you die is just ridiculous. There are lots of small little annoyances like that which rub me the wrong way and make me think the game is being rushed or they didn't do enough play testing.

yeah the revive/dying mechanics are stupid. It takes a long time "to bleed out". You are watching the sky every time you die, rather prefer to skip to the overview.


I thought they removed the auto regen I was already partying lol but then it kicked in. 


I think the bullet drop/dmg at a distance is way better than before and the new spotting is really good.


but the game really plays exactly like every BF since BF3. This game needs back a stamina bar to prevent unlimited sprinting.


It's just the same shit honestly. A server full of idiots running around just fraggin some peeps. no tactics, no teamplay, no fun :downs: 

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