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Shadow of the Tomb Raider - 6/10 TLHBFR

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Holy shit, actual tears for a multiplat. New lows. Deeno losing his mind :D


but but he just reviewed spiderman....no time :grimace1:

The game was gold back in July you moron, a full month before Spiderman went gold. Do you think he just started the review after the spiderman one went up? :mj:




Wide range of scores so seems hit or miss, expected a little better. Sure the game is still very good.

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lmfao.   bitch pivoted directions faster than a lemming in a review thread.

Everything Lemmings hype turn to shit. 

7 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

If anything you could say that it's been PlayStation'd. Saying it's been Xbox'd doesn't even make sense. 

Yes it does you moron:D


Series went downhill with Legend - the first one on Xbox. Since then all have been on xbox and none have reached the heights of when it was only on playstation.


The reboot was pretty good, then the next one was time exclusice to xbox and it sucked. Seems this one sucks even harder.


Xbox ruins everything. You autistic muppet.

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