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Sam Harris and Jonathan Haidt explain resetera and university culture

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9 hours ago, Voidler said:

You need to realise that those on both extremes are morons - those who think we should ban all white males from a room and those who think blaming everything on Mexicans and Gays is intellectual discourse worthy of a University. The same types of mind sets are what lead to extremism. But these people are vocal minorities on both extremes


One side is just as likely to have an aneurysm over an example of white male privilege as the other side is to throw a hissy fit because a black man kneeled or burn a Harry Potter book because it came from the devil


Feminism, progressiveness and conservatism are not new concepts developed by 90s kids - they are the offspring of overall efforts to improve things for women and minorities over the past 50+ years. And occasionally we have examples where it goes too far to the extreme on both sides - whether it’s women burning bras or Milo telling us women are lower IQ and deserve to be on the bottom


Right now we are in the peak of discourse about rights, but it always course corrects to a middle ground where things are better for people than they were before. 

I heard the podcast and I agree with pretty much everything. I'm pretty leftist myself but there is a point where this culture about victimhood and offensiveness is crossing the line to absurdity. If you hear the podcast they mention that this extreme is only happening in some universities, which is good, we don't want this sort of hysterics to spread too much because it will undermine real social justice. For me what these two guys describe is basically the equivalent of a witch hunt. You basically have a bunch of young inexperienced people who think they know everything (which is very common at that age) and see the world in simplistic black and white, us vs them terms. Of course since social justice has gained so much impulse lately then they can easily find followers. The problem with this is when finding followers becomes the main purpose and social justice is merely an excuse for building your following tribe and becoming popular. The same used to happen during witch hunts, you could build your own following and victimhood by basically accusing anyone for even the most absurd things and your followers believe you by default because the stigma of not believing you is big, you could end up accused of being a witch yourself. This is fucking BS and frankly very dangerous for real social justice. There has to be a set of reasonable filters put in place to avoid this type of senseless persecution which is not more about seeking justice but about distorted narcissism and selfish self-promotion.


And of course this happens also on the right. They use these extreme examples to crucify the whole social justice movement and paint everyone there with the same brush when there are actually important and valuable efforts and fights worth fighting for. It's two sides of the same coin. We need more level-headed people on the discourse and I think these two had a good level-headed discussion around this issue. The problem is when the discourse against social justice devolves to 4chan /pol/ level of argumentation, then you reach the other end of the absurdity spectrum.

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2 minutes ago, Turtle said:

Yeah two PHD's with families are incels. 


and still time to spend your day concerned with a bunch of shit that probably has no impact on your life. and a self identified right wing.


yup, you're a loser.

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7 minutes ago, Casual said:


and still time to spend your day concerned with a bunch of shit that probably has no impact on your life. and a self identified right wing.


yup, you're a loser.

Maybe you should relax and open your mind a little.  This shit does affect us, these people are power hungry and some will get into high level government positions.  They have a delusional black and white view of them world, it's dangerous and its wrong. I'm a liberal not a right winger. 

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14 minutes ago, Turtle said:

Maybe you should relax and open your mind a little.  This shit does affect us, these people are power hungry and some will get into high level government positions.  They have a delusional black and white view of them world, it's dangerous and its wrong. I'm a liberal not a right winger. 

Well it's not just that, it's also kind of interesting on how this all began. What happened with parenting in the 90s to make them so over protective of their children it literally fucks up their natural behavior. 

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On 2018-09-12 at 11:40 AM, Casual said:


and still time to spend your day concerned with a bunch of shit that probably has no impact on your life. and a self identified right wing.


yup, you're a loser.


Neither of those men are right wing Heidt and Harris are both liberals. You clearly have no ability to look at the situation objectively if you don't think there's a far left victimhood ideology infecting our culture. Either that of you're already a host that defends the parasite involuntarily. 


I'm gonna say this for one last time because even having to explain this makes me lose braincells . This isn't about fuckin colleges or college students. This is about the future of Western civilization. College students of today will be running shit 20-30-40 years down the line just like college students of the 60s 70s and 80s shaped the culture we live in today. 


Edited by Vini
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