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Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Digital Foundry Analysis

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Yea, well when your consoles misses out on tons of games and has no exclusives... you basically have nothing left other than that tiny bit of resolution

I must say, if you don't engage him directly - which I am loathe to do; he's entertaining as fuck. The circles he runs in to defend things, and the corners he boxes himself into are fantastic.  

Here you go again, butthurt and running to alternative sources.

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2 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

We'll see but I'm banking on you're 100% wrong, those framerate dips are not indicative of something scaling. 

I think those fps drops are accurate... taking into account the scaling to 3200x1800 and judging by the PC benchmarks.... that's why I said it explains things :shrug: 

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Just now, Remij_ said:

I think those fps drops are accurate... taking into account the scaling to 3200x1800 and judging by the PC benchmarks.... that's why I said it explains things :shrug: 

But doesn't this defeat the logic of your other post?


"I even specifically said that they were using an old driver in those benchmarks too.." 


According to you those PC's are using old unoptimized drivers whereas the X would be running basically metal to metal, so which is it? How can something which is metal to metal bear indicative representation of something running old and unoptimized drivers?



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12 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

But doesn't this defeat the logic of your other post?


"I even specifically said that they were using an old driver in those benchmarks too.." 


According to you those PC's are using old unoptimized drivers whereas the X would be running basically metal to metal, so which is it? How can something which is metal to metal bear indicative representation of something running old and unoptimized drivers?





Uh...because it can? Judging from the theoretical performance of the part :cosby2:   PC ALWAYS has overhead that isn't there on consoles... this is a constant...


Given the INFORMATION WE HAVE... It's very indicative... and explains exactly why I think the way I do..


And what the developers do in their patches and what Nvidia does in their drivers are two different things....  

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Just now, Jon2B said:

Lol remij should be banned from DF threads since he doesn't think they are credible anymore .


Dumb cuck lol

You even have Dynamite right at the top of this page say that "they shouldn't be analyzing pre-release code"  lmao... 


I'm fine with DF... but they make mistakes sometimes.  I can admit when they do because I don't have a fucking dog in this fight lmao... The lemmings are the ONLY motherfuckers who get butthurt about stuff like this.  Just deal with it idiots. 

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4 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

Maybe nx gamer made the mistake 


You can't admit that tho . Not even with fc5 


You won't LOL

You're right... I wont... because it's LESS likely...  What you idiots don't grasp is that NXG's findings fall in line with what I myself suggested before I even KNEW his video existed...  If you understand the bottlenecks of the given platforms and gpus.. it explains why we're seeing what we're seeing.


All you come to the table with is "bu bu DF said so.. X1X is a super console" :grimaceleft:



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3 minutes ago, Aza Team 2019 said:

lol people zoom in 30x to stare at the screen point blank and can't even get the pixel count right, and you retards are arguing about resolutions sitting 9 feet away from the screen.



Pro was a mistake 

The difference is clear in the video posted it 

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Just now, Aza Team 2019 said:

lol people zoom in 30x and can't even get the pixel count right, and you retards are arguing about resolutions sitting 9 feet away from the scren.

You're being just as stupid... anyway I'm not arguing that one resolution is vastly better or worse than the other... what I AM saying is that this EXPLAINS the performance.. especially when you compare to the PC... which they did.


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Just now, Aza Team 2019 said:

Yes it's clear, Pro doesn't have screen tearing, and doesn't drop to 23fps at a scene that 30 on Pro.



if you're playing at that low resolution may as well play at 108060 , which is vastly superior on X 

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2 minutes ago, Carlos Vela said:

GTX 1060

Lowest Setting




Can’t hit  50 FPS



LMFAO... did you see that AA setting you fucking retard?  He changes it part way through... it was at SMAA4X... ROFL... he changed it after to OFF and the fps jumped to 90... then turned the settings to Ultra and the fps was at 50...


X1X = somewhere between a 1060 and 1070...  With horrible tearing, input lag, and fps drops :hehe: 

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1 minute ago, Jon2B said:



if you're playing at that low resolution may as well play at 108060 , which is vastly superior on X 

Which NEVER hits a steady 60fps.. .has juddering and screen tearing galore... and terrible input lag :tom: 


No... we're good. :mjgrin:

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