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Cory Barlog Shares His Pitch for a Superman Game

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Superman is pretty lame as a hero since only one thing can really bring him down.



I would like to see an open world Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game, complete with 4 player co-op.

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10 minutes ago, bhytre said:

Evil Superman could work but we really need an epic Terminator game B)


That too would be great. Plus you can have chapters go between time travelling. Fighting the current human resistance (in the future) and  missions that would allow you to assassinate their leaders from the present - like a Hitman game; to prevent them from becoming a leader in the resistance in the future. B) 

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We need to have a game based on Inception. You have like 20 maps/levels  to choose from, and you design what events you want to happen before you begin your heist.


And then you proceed to start your heist, and then go down a level, and then down another level. And you switch caracters (like you do in GTA5) as they are in different levels performing different tasks.


And so if you do something in a higher level, it proceeds to alter the lower levels. And then you have to complete your objectives within each levels time limit in order to get kicked up to the next level and succeed in completing the mind heist.

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