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Does anyone here not believe humans have an impact on climate?

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2 minutes ago, Aza Team 2019 said:

And? Because Nigeria and Bangladesh are farting out children this helps Europe exactly how?


Plus your retarded graph has no context, because the % of all of old non working age people will double in the next 30 years. As will there will be a massive decline of women of child bearing age.

Exponential population growth is unsustainable, and frankly it has been made a difficult thing to do by older generations who have shaped modern economies 

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1 minute ago, Voidler said:

Exponential population growth is unsustainable, and frankly it has been made a difficult thing to do by older generations who have shaped modern economies 

Europes 500 million population will decline to 400 million by 2050. No one gives a shit about total population in India.


, Australia's total fertility rate was 1.79 babies per woman, the same as in 2015.


2.1 is replacement level. Only ghetto immigration policies can counter this.

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18 minutes ago, Aza Team 2019 said:

Europes 500 million population will decline to 400 million by 2050. No one gives a shit about total population in India.


, Australia's total fertility rate was 1.79 babies per woman, the same as in 2015.


2.1 is replacement level. Only ghetto immigration policies can counter this.

1. Nothing you’ve said stops overpopulation being an issue. I am talking about global population, whether it’s happening in India or Ireland, global population increases vastly contribute to major issues like pollution, climate change, resource requirements etc


2. Ideally population in Western democracies could just level out, but using your example of Australia, most people cannot afford two children these days. Current economies, wage levels, property prices etc simply don’t allow for it for most people like they used to

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Just now, Voidler said:

1. Nothing you’ve said stops overpopulation being an issue. I am talking about global population, whether it’s happening in India or Ireland, global population increases vastly contribute to major issues like pollution, climate change, resource requirements etc


2. Ideally population in Western democracies could just level out, but using your example of Australia, most people cannot afford two children these days. Current economies, wage levels, property prices etc simply don’t allow for it for most people like they used to

Europe gets 90% 20-30 year old males that look like an army walking in, don't have any skills. They are worthless.

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1 minute ago, Aza Team 2019 said:

Europe gets 90% 20-30 year old males that look like an army walking in, don't have any skills. They are worthless.

Ah sorry thought you might have some opinions on the actual issue, not just RT talking points 

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28 minutes ago, Voidler said:

Ah sorry thought you might have some opinions on the actual issue, not just RT talking points 

Yes, RT talking points, the growth of anti migration opinions in the population of Europe, and changing election and politcal climate to the right that's against migration is just my imagination.

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25 minutes ago, Aza Team 2019 said:

Yes, RT talking points, the growth of anti migration opinions in the population of Europe, and changing election and politcal climate to the right that's against migration is just my imagination.

We weren’t talking about any of that, you spun it into that because the scope of your education is based in Russian political propaganda and you can’t apply yourself to anything outside the usual talking points :pffft:

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24 minutes ago, Voidler said:

We weren’t talking about any of that, you spun it into that because the scope of your education is based in Russian political propaganda and you can’t apply yourself to anything outside the usual talking points :pffft:

The whole thread started as a political agenda. Like I said I care about Russia, no other country.

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7 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

I believe we have an impact on it but have absolutely zero dictation over the shifts and trends. This planet has been all over the map with extreme heat and cool trends, we had an Ice Age 12,000  years ago for christ sake which was like 2 million years long.


I think we might accelerate things a bit but don't actually change the direction things were heading anyways. All the shit we're seeing is stuff that would take place regardless of out intervention or not. If we were going back into an Ice Age of natural causes right now some crazies would create data links  trying to say it was human caused all the same.


We have control of nothing, these people are insane.



Hey genius climate change in the past happened over centuries either by the natural cycle of the earth or by catastrophic events.  We are literally seeing it happen over a couple of hundred years.  Volcanic activity hasn't increased to cause such drastic warming.  The sun hasn't gotten closer.  So what is the new variable?  Humans.  Duh.  Derp

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46 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

Climatw change is settle science, but gender is fluid :killzone:



Not that I'm against climate change, but the way the left has politicized science has probably done more harm than good.

Like the LGBT+ (LOL The plus).


No one gives a shit about them, it's a politicized weapon of ideological competition at this point, nothing more. Reminds of the USSR/USA cold war when ideology triumphed any logic.

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27 minutes ago, Aza Team 2019 said:

Like the LGBT+ (LOL The plus).


No one gives a shit about them, it's a politicized weapon of ideological competition at this point, nothing more. Reminds of the USSR/USA cold war when ideology triumphed any logic.

They pretend to be for all for science yet apparantly a man saying "I'm a woman" makes him a woman. :grimaceleft:


Also any discoveries or research that go againt their narrative get buried.


These fuckers are like the church from the middle ages.

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1 hour ago, TLHBO said:

Climatw change is settle science, but gender is fluid :killzone:



Not that I'm against climate change, but the way the left has politicized science has probably done more harm than good.

The fuck are you talking about

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11 hours ago, Cookester15 said:

I guess we should tell the millions of people that have bought electric vehicles in the past few years that they should switch back to gas cars just because it doesn't matter.  You are a dimwit.  Might as well throw all our trash out of windows too since it doesn't matter. If we are gonna be fucked we might as well get fucked as hard as possible right?  

People buy electric cars so they don’t have to spend money on gas. Not to save the world. Lol

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