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The Official Whining thread - Keep your bitching about the injustices of the world in this thread

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If you know you can do the job, just lie.

Can we just make an "Official SJW Hate" thread?  'Cause if we don't, I'm going to start making new threads for literally every single goddamned thing Trump does.  I'll just copy/paste them from /r/pol

15 minutes ago, Vini said:

Things like this popping up are showing a gradual shift back to normality.




Do you think something like this would have existed two years ago? Not a chance. Reality is creeping back in and I couldn't be more happy about it. 

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GOP tryna confirm a SCOTUS pick that has multiple rape allegations against him and WSJ writing about the hate on the left.  Maybe if the GOP stopped giving liberals reasons to hate them, there'd be less hate.


Also that whole Saturday Night Massacre that's reportedly happening right now where Trump (through Kelly because Trump's a gigantic pussy) may be firing Rod Rosenstein.

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1 minute ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

GOP tryna confirm a SCOTUS pick that has multiple rape allegations against him and WSJ writing about the hate on the left.  Maybe if the GOP stopped giving liberals reasons to hate them, there'd be less hate.


Also that whole Saturday Night Massacre that's reportedly happening right now where Trump (through Kelly because Trump's a gigantic pussy) may be firing Rod Rosenstein.

Key word allegations, allegations without any evidence also conveniently coming out when he's about to be added to the Supreme Court.


21st century leftist logic, an allegation equates to evidence. Incredible. 

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Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

Key word allegations, allegations without any evidence also conveniently coming out when he's about to be added to the Supreme Court.


21st century leftist logic, an allegation equates to evidence. Incredible. 

Innocent until proven otherwise has been the norm of law since the Roman Empire, these people are insane.

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6 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Key word allegations, allegations without any evidence also conveniently coming out when he's about to be added to the Supreme Court.


21st century leftist logic, an allegation equates to evidence. Incredible. 

You have no idea what's going on with these allegations, do you? :D 

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1 minute ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

You have no idea what's going on with these allegations, do you? :D 

Nah, they don't read news articles. Opinions and feelings are more important. Shit, most of the Cult43 supporters get their news and information from Facebook.

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6 minutes ago, Ike said:

Nah, they don't read news articles. Opinions and feelings are more important. Shit, most of the Cult43 supporters get their news and information from Facebook.

If we survive this administration, which i am optimistic that we will, Deeno's fee-fees are going to be hurt by how much shit comes out against his favorite daddy president.

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Just now, McWickedSmawt85 said:

If we survive this administration, which i am optimistic that we will, Deeno's fee-fees are going to be hurt by how much shit comes out against his favorite daddy president.

Nah, they'll probably look back on this like Regan and reminisce about how great it was. 

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Just now, Ike said:

Nah, they'll probably look back on this like Regan and reminisce about how great it was. 

Or how the mean old Democrats, who had all the power despite controlling none of the branches of government, where just unfairly picking on sweet, innocent Trump. :D 

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16 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Key word allegations, allegations without any evidence also conveniently coming out when he's about to be added to the Supreme Court.


21st century leftist logic, an allegation equates to evidence. Incredible. 

Its very simple..........there should be a judge that shouldn't have ANY allegations, whatsoever.


And those who do make the allegations should trigger an FBI investigation so that they can interview all people, and they need to have their background checked to see if their witness testimony can be corroborated.


That way, if people ARE lying, then they just committed perjury by lying in an FBI interview. A crime.


If they are lying, lets see if they are willing to commit to that lie under penalty of perjury.  In this case, we see the Republicans doing everything that they can to AVOID an FBI investigation. Seems like they don't want Kavanaugh and his friend to speak to the FBI about this matter.


Wonder why.

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Just now, jehurey said:

Its very simple..........there should be a judge that shouldn't have ANY allegations, whatsoever.


And those who do make the allegations should trigger an FBI investigation so that they can interview all people, and they need to have their background checked to see if their witness testimony can be corroborated.


That way, if people ARE lying, then they just committed perjury by lying in an FBI interview. A crime.


If they are lying, lets see if they are willing to commit to that lie under penalty of perjury.  In this case, we see the Republicans doing everything that they can to AVOID an FBI investigation. Seems like they don't want Kavanaugh and his friend to speak to the FBI about this matter.


Wonder why.

Deeno knows why, he just hates that ladies.  And black people.  And Mexicans.  And brown people under the guise of hating muslims. 


Being a piece of shit to own the libs. :ben: 

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Just now, McWickedSmawt85 said:

Or how the mean old Democrats, who had all the power despite controlling none of the branches of government, where just unfairly picking on sweet, innocent Trump. :D 

There was a Tucker Carlson segment late last week. In which he said "the Democrats will do ANYTHING to MAINTAIN CONTROL!!!"


Maintain control?


They don't control any branch of the federal government. But these right-wingers have a constant persecution complex, and they are always gullible to the "world is coming to get us" mentality, which is really just their conscience trying to reconcile the shit they are doing.


There's a reason why these Right-Wingers-who-are-too-embarassed-to-call-themselves-right-wingers are on this forum spending their time talking about ANYTHING ELSE other than what is happening in Washington D.C. They know that the Republican Party is doing bad things.


They don't want to see it. They do want to "own the libs", but they're turning a blind eye to how the Republicans do it.  And if there is a Democratic wave this November.......they are going to cry foul, even though they know WHY voters got pissed and went to the ballot box.

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5 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

Deeno knows why, he just hates that ladies.  And black people.  And Mexicans.  And brown people under the guise of hating muslims. 


Being a piece of shit to own the libs. :ben: 

Yeah. They really do seem that excuse ANY behavior because their justification is to "own the libs."


Vini has gone on record as saying that he CONDONES Trump ascendence to power, and wishes he GAINS MORE POWER............because, in his mind, that will destroy the Democratic Party. And (once again, in his mind) whatever bad that Trump may do is outweighed by the "benefits" of the Democratic Party not existing.


He said this while Trump is currently separating immigrant children from their parents and has them in cages, and we DISCOVERED (because the Trump white house never announced it) that the government has diverted $291 million dollars in funding that was meant for cancer research and FEMA Emergency Funds into funding the immigrant children camps.  And they want to put those camps on military bases, so that American civilians and press cannot access them.


AND that the people who come to petition to get the children, extended family, is captured and detained  upon doing so because they are suspected of being undocumented.


Vini has gone on record saying he is okay with this, and with Trump's party actually becoming MORE powerful. 

Because it, ultimately,  "owns the libs."

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