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Hajime Tabata on Final Fantasy XV’s Finale and What Comes Next

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Game releases in 2016, finale is coming 2019. I love you Tabata. I'm never buying your FF game again.




When the final piece of downloadable content for Final Fantasy 15 arrives next summer, it will hit almost exactly 13 years after the game’s original announcement. Square Enix announced it at E3 2006 under the name Final Fantasy Versus 13, along with several other games, and Tabata has devoted most of his time with the company to overseeing various facets of the 13 universe. Initially, he served as director on Final Fantasy Agito 13 (which eventually shipped as Final Fantasy Type-0), then he moved along to take lead on Versus 13 once it became 15.

Finally, though, the end of 13 is in sight. The four upcoming character-focused pieces of DLC for FF15 will tie a bow on the game, and thus the entire Final Fantasy 13-centric Fabula Nova Crystallis project, once and for all. And just in time: Tabata has other responsibilities to occupy himself with now. Earlier this year, Square Enix named him the head of a new studio, Luminous Productions, which will concern itself with developing new properties.

Final Fantasy 15 has been beset by delays, development challenges and drama both within the company and on fan forums alike, yet Tabata never gives the impression of someone who has been worn down by the stress of it all. Instead, he appears more philosophical — analytical, seeing no shortage of lessons in all those ups and downs to apply to future endeavors.

Link: https://www.polygon.com/features/20...me-tabata-final-fantasy-15-finale-dlc-larping"

Edited by Aza Team 2019
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