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How is Forza Horizon 4 going to be reviewed?

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Even though it's a single player game at heart how's it going to be reviewed accurately given the game also has an optional persistent online world where everyone is playing together plus the fact that seasons last an entire week with season specific events, challenges and environmental access meaning it will take a full month to cycle them all. 


Would reviewers need specific review code so they have access to all of this stuff without having to wait? I can't figure out how they're supposed to do this without waiting the whole month. 


Review embargo lifts in 37 hours. 

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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1 minute ago, lostfool said:

Are you trying to set up damage control in case it flops?



I don't think it'll flop.  I think it will review pretty well.  It's just too bad for the lemmings that you don't ever need to touch an xbox to play it. :cruise: 

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2 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

The idea of this game flopping LOL, you guys crack me up  :hest: 



They're being idiots, it's a legit question. This will also affect things like Digital Foundry, they'd have to wait a full month to analyse the game.

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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1 minute ago, teh_4th said:

Lemmings already setting up the damage control foundations lmfao

There's nothing to damage control, it's going to review as one of the best racers regardless of methodology. This is about how it's going to be reviewed and how methodology can accurately reflect a game which has environmental and gameplay elements related to the passage of time. 

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19 minutes ago, Hot Sauce said:

The Quick Look on Giantbomb had the seasons still lasting a week, so it doesn't seem like reviewers have access to shorter seasons for review purposes.

I was checking that out.  Another thing that I think reviewers might not like are the same style showpieces again.  It seems exactly like Horizon 3 in that regard... in that the event is completely scripted.  That's pretty disappointing.


They should have tried something new as the big events.  You could still have Showcase events as neat little story diversions... but have a new style of "high caliber" events which come along every season.  For example say as you play the game, it builds a profile of people you've played with that most closely resembles your own in preferences, skill level and experience.  The game then creates a weekly event which each player can choose to participate in, or forfeit causing one player to either win and gain influence, or forfeit and lose influence.  Participating and losing would cost you less influence than outright forfeiting.   You could either race the person irl, or race against their ghost should you both not be able to race at the same time then and there.


I think it would be cool... kind of a mix of the rivals system of FH3 right into the main campaign.  Other racers are trying to lower your influence and raise theirs... so you have to battle them to decide where the influence goes. 

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