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The Nike hijab

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5 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

You won't find an argument from me about the state of middle-eastern theocracies and homosexuality.  What you will find an argument on from me is whether or not Christianity is in any way shape or form "better" for homosexuals.  It's not.  Just look at the records of Gorsuch and Kavanaugh and you'll find plenty to contend with.


The only difference here is that Christianity had 400 more years to evolve.  Don't believe for a second that it has learned to accept you for the manner in which you were born.  It'll throw your ass under the bus the moment it becomes socially acceptable to do so.

My best friend is a conservative Christian lol, he believes in creationism and all that crap yet accepts me like a brother and made me his sons God father. In Islam there is no room for tolerance, its convert or die like an apostate. Even moderate Muslims have views similar to the most intensely conservative Christians. Islam is a thousand years in the past and not changing. The Koran is the final word of God and cannot be changed or undone. 

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Holy shit the world is a fucking dumpster fire right now, this is what happens when leftist ideology floats to the surface.  

Yes capitalism taking advantage of female oppression is such a leftist belief

Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson.   The pre-eminent attempt to dress up alt-right ideology as sophisticated psycho-analysis.

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22 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

Umm 1 guy? The treatment towards women by Muslim men as a whole is entirely disgusting. Yes Christianity sucks shit but Islam sucks the shit Christians shit out after sucking shit.

No. You generalize muslims.


Different factions of muslims have different customs. And on top of that, you try to take certain customs and try to EXAGGERATE it to the point of mysoginy.


That's called "concern trolling" because you really don't give a shit.


Let me show you an example of religious customs, and how I can exaggerate them:





Southern Baptists Declare Wife Should 'Submit' to Her Husband


The Southern Baptist Convention, the nation's largest Protestant denomination and an increasingly conservative force among American religious organizations, amended its essential statement of beliefs today to include a declaration that a woman should ''submit herself graciously'' to her husband's leadership and that a husband should ''provide for, protect and lead his family.''

The amendment, a 250-word declaration on family life, was adopted by a show of hands at the Baptists' annual meeting here as an addition to the denomination's basic theological statement of beliefs, the Baptist Faith and Message. The vote was overwhelmingly in favor of the amendment, and an effort to soften the language was soundly turned back.


This wasn't some small, niche event.

That happened. In a first-world country, in modern times. White christian guys declaring that their wives are pretty much forms of property who have less rights then them.

I can run with this and start feigning outrage..........like you are doing.

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7 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

 In Islam there is no room for tolerance, its convert or die like an apostate.

Then how come there aren't a hell of alot more muslims attacks happening on American soil?


Dude where are getting this?


You are describing WAHHABISM. That is a small, extremist faction within the Muslim faith.  Please do yourself a favor and research Wahhabism and how it came to be.


My David Koresh analogy is actually perfect for the dumb shit you just typed.

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23 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

You are trying to equate a watermelon with a grape

No, large sects of the Christian religion have fundamental teachings that women become property of their husbands.


Mind you that major sects of Christianity believe that the book of Revelations requires that the nation of Israel to be destroyed in order to fulfill divine prophecy.


That it will trigger a "golden age" an entire millenium where Christ comes back and oversees the world. That's where the phrase "the Second Coming" is based on.


Think about this for a second............Christian Americans SUPPORT WAR with Iran and Muslim countries because they WANT TO TRIGGER A WAR with Israel leading to Jerusalem's destruction so that it can trigger the Second Coming of Christ.


Christianity  dogma implies that they WANT to see Israel destroyed.


We can do this all day. We can make youtube videos in which we take stuff out of the Christian Bible and portray it in the most ludicrous way possible to come to the conclusion that Christians MUST be maniacs in order to call themselves Christians.

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48 minutes ago, jehurey said:

No, large sects of the Christian religion have fundamental teachings that women become property of their husbands.


Mind you that major sects of Christianity believe that the book of Revelations requires that the nation of Israel to be destroyed in order to fulfill divine prophecy.


That it will trigger a "golden age" an entire millenium where Christ comes back and oversees the world. That's where the phrase "the Second Coming" is based on.


Think about this for a second............Christian Americans SUPPORT WAR with Iran and Muslim countries because they WANT TO TRIGGER A WAR with Israel leading to Jerusalem's destruction so that it can trigger the Second Coming of Christ.


Christianity  dogma implies that they WANT to see Israel destroyed.


We can do this all day. We can make youtube videos in which we take stuff out of the Christian Bible and portray it in the most ludicrous way possible to come to the conclusion that Christians MUST be maniacs in order to call themselves Christians.

The amount of Christians that treat their wives like slaves is quite minimal to Islam. You cannot disapprove this no matter what mental gymnastics you apply. Islam is the worst, most violent, least tolerant and backwards thinking of the three abrahamic religions. Its a religion created by a fucking warlord for fuck sakes. The bu bu Christianity excuse doesn't fucking work anymore. Christianity has progressed quite a lot since the medieval age, Islam has not. 

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30 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

And stop defending Islam by bringing up Christianity,  its also a stupid dumb religion that has no value in 2018. 


They seem to be pretty A-OK (lol) with rape. :] 

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1 hour ago, Cookester15 said:

The amount of Christians that treat their wives like slaves is quite minimal to Islam. You cannot disapprove this no matter what mental gymnastics you apply. Islam is the worst, most violent, least tolerant and backwards thinking of the three abrahamic religions. Its a religion created by a fucking warlord for fuck sakes. The bu bu Christianity excuse doesn't fucking work anymore. Christianity has progressed quite a lot since the medieval age, Islam has not. 

It still doesn't stop the fact that you are greatly exaggerating all Muslims.


Just like you know that it would be ludicrous that generalize Christianity based on a handful of crazy sects.


And in fact, we have United States Senators and Representatives who basically say that women don't have rights over their bodies should they get pregnant. I'd consider that pretty archaic.


You have a double-standard..........its OBVIOUS. The question becomes what is motivating you to feign fake outrage over you PRETENDING to be concerned about Muslim women versus not caring at all about the deficiencies about how women are treated under Christianity.

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57 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

And stop defending Islam by bringing up Christianity,  its also a stupid dumb religion that has no value in 2018. 

little too late for you to PRETEND that your views are being applied evenly.


They clearly aren't. Don't see you making a single post whenever there is something that happens in America that diminishes the rights of women. Don't see you doing that, at all.

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24 minutes ago, jehurey said:

It still doesn't stop the fact that you are greatly exaggerating all Muslims.


Just like you know that it would be ludicrous that generalize Christianity based on a handful of crazy sects.


And in fact, we have United States Senators and Representatives who basically say that women don't have rights over their bodies should they get pregnant. I'd consider that pretty archaic.


You have a double-standard..........its OBVIOUS. The question becomes what is motivating you to feign fake outrage over you PRETENDING to be concerned about Muslim women versus not caring at all about the deficiencies about how women are treated under Christianity.

Umm being forced to wear a hijab or burka is not a minority view for Muslims. Girls are told they will burn in hell for eternity for not wearing one. That's a serious mind fuck for an 8 year old child 

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4 minutes ago, Turtle said:

Umm being forced to wear a hijab or burka is not a minority view for Muslims. Girls are told they will burn in hell for eternity for not wearing one. That's a serious mind fuck for an 8 year old child 

Being forced to "submit to their husband" is not a minority view for Christians. being told they have no control over their body in a pregnacy also isn't a minority view.


Those are also mind fucks for imposing those values on 8 year old children when told they are going to hell if they don't do this.


What is so hard for you to understand about this?  Dude, NOBODY is buying the outrage over hijabs. You are not outraged, its not remotely believable for a second.

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1 minute ago, jehurey said:

Being forced to "submit to their husband" is not a minority view for Christians. being told they have no control over their body in a pregnacy also isn't a minority view.


Those are also mind fucks for imposing those values on 8 year old children when told they are going to hell if they don't do this.


What is so hard for you to understand about this?  Dude, NOBODY is buying the outrage over hijabs. You are not outraged, its not remotely believable for a second.

Those sound like 2 shared values by followers of abrahamic religions. Wonderful!! Christianity does not condone stonings or killing gays and apostates anymore. Again. Both religions are ASS, Islam is worse. 

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