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They need to start using kicks in games

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It's a heavily underused mechanic in nearly all action games, at best you'll get a button prompt to kick a door open but that's usually it.

Yet it's one of the most fun thing to do, think about drop kicking into hordes of zombies in Dead Rising or starting a fight in Yakuza games with a dashing drop kick run. Or Hwoarang in Tekken with his kick juggles, it's fun and it works.


And of course God Hand, one of the best examples. Few people don't think why its gameplay was so much fun, but having a big set of punishing kick moves at your disposal that sends enemies flying was a big part of it.


Image result for god hand kick gifImage result for god hand kick

Image result for god hand kick gif3-Yy9jQtd.gif

Image result for kick memories of murder gif

Image result for drop kick gif


We need to start kicking  more people mang :dame:

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You know how FPS games require you to press Left trigger to go into aiming mode, and then right trigger to actually fire.


Couldn't 3rd person action games use traditional 3D movement with the left analog stick. Push it in any direction and they jog at a steady pace, but when its time to attack you press Left Trigger to put them in a fighting stance, and effectively it turns into fighting game controls.


As long as you have the Left Trigger held down, when you push the Left Analog stick, he moves forward like its a Tekken game. You can double-tap the Analog and the face buttons become punches and kicks. And you can perform special moves. And then, once you let go of the analog stick, to get out of fighting controls and revert back to easy-moving 3rd person controls. Dodging, diving, jumping.


You could run and then jump, and while in mid-air, you press Left-Trigger to access your attacks and you press a punch or kick button right as your character meets an enemy.

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FEAR had this mechanic for your melee; basically while standing (or moving forward) you melee strike was an elbow, but if you jumped it become a combo kick:





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