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Let's talk ANTI CONSUMER Online Policies (MS Fortnite)

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The funny thing is that this is the real problem, but people wanted to point the finger at the biggest gaming platform to ever exist. Nevermind putting a paywall behind free-to-play, voice chat, streaming, game DVR, etc. :mj: Microsoft is dumb and arrogant. They're behind the curve.

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you know what the definition of anti-consumer is? Launching a product in 2013 with the sales pitch being; you're going to get exclusives, you're going to get experiences not found elsewhere, charging loyal customers $500 bucks for it, and then changing course for your product two years in to a completely different proposition. No exclusives. a budget companion box for your windows 10 PC. No games, no support, all exclusives being whored out to PeeC like guttertrash. :D No one signed up for this.


That's irreparably anti-consumer. Nu-MS needs to shut their fucking mouths for once, they've been getting assraped for years and can't even fathom how to land one punch on Sony. It's sad, it's miserable and someone should just put the Seattle Safe Space Nu Microsoft Coalition headed by Phil Sphincter to rest.


go 3rd party. stop shitting on our memories of when xbox was good. watching it go out like this is just cruel. :D Sega went out with a bang, MS is going out with a fart in the wind.



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