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Has your interest and threshold with bullshit with women declined after you got older?

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I look for real people who are honest with themselves in life. I don't waste my time with fake poseurs. This goes for women and everyone else.


I think that's pretty normal. Once you hit your 30s you start being a lot less innocent. You know who's real and who's fake really fast.


My guess is you are dating younger women, am I right?

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 It gets boring. You've already done it and experienced it. There's little desire to put as much effort into it like when it was new. I do feel kind of bad for them if they really like me now, sometimes I can tell they want something "more" like the sappy corny romance bullshit and I just don't feel like putting the effort and that was something they loved me for.

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I've circumvented a lot of the usual process and no person is going to take advantages of me. Especially one for just being hot or female..i also dont go through usual dating loops. And i keep the one i got in perpetual but mutual check. Nothing wrong with expecting a lot. If you are with the right person, they will change with you. 

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

getting really sick of the online dating world. Wish I could just find my other half already so i can quit it.

LMAO online dating. Don't do this to yourself, 90% of men according to them are subpar. Half of the chicks you see in online dating you wouldn't even pay attention to IRL.


Reminds me when me and my friend thats MUCH better than me picked up some hot online chicks, we saw them IRL and were ashamed to sit next to them at the coffee place it was that embarassing.

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39 minutes ago, Beta Bux Romeo said:

LMAO online dating. Don't do this to yourself, 90% of men according to them are subpar. Half of the chicks you see in online dating you wouldn't even pay attention to IRL.


Reminds me when me and my friend thats MUCH better than me picked up some hot online chicks, we saw them IRL and were ashamed to sit next to them at the coffee place it was that embarassing.

I went out yesterday with a girl who was significantly uglier AND fatter than she looked in her profile pictures. These bitches deliberately use misleading camera angles and more makeup than they can usually afford to trick guys into thinking they're better looking than they actually are.

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