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Does anyone here take cold showers?

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So I keep hearing about this for years, but never really bothered trying it out, as my immune system is pretty messed up so I get sick easily.

But now I think Im gonna give it a try. Who has done it and was it worth it?


Edited by HolyAx
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4 minutes ago, -GD- said:

yes. i find they give me more energy. 

Just took a semi-cold one lol its not so bad if you rub your body before going in, that way the cold doesnt feel so bad.


How long have you been taking them?

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I take cold showers for like a year now. My boiler was faulty and it took patience and some stupid tricks to get hot water, so I just said fuck it one day.


It has a lot of health benefits (weight loss, blood circulation etc.) and it really gives you an energy boost. It doesn't take long to get used to it. Maybe a week then it's just normal.


The first 10 seconds are quite a shock every time (ice cold) but your body adjusts to that temperature super fast and after that it feels good (just like hot water actually).


One thing though don't start slow just blast your shit from head to toe right from the start. I do this every morning and i'm like aaahh for the first 5 seconds until i covered my whole body with water. 


shit helps with my depression 

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the video is actually point on. also when you leave the shower and your bathroom is warm you actually don't feel cold at all. 

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20 minutes ago, HolyAx said:

Just took a semi-cold one lol its not so bad if you rub your body before going in, that way the cold doesnt feel so bad.


How long have you been taking them?

for years now. i take them when i'm in a rush and when i'm tired. hot showers make me lazy, and i find they take much longer (since hot water feels good on the body). 

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I'm not a morning person at all I find that I'm not fully awake and concious till like noon but if I take a cold shower I'm good to go.


If I got work to do early morning no better way to shock your system into full conciousness

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