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Cut the shit cows you're terrified of the 1X

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You know that $5 game no one knows or ever played? It's on a disc now 

So effective I'm able to keep reeling your dumbass in every single time.  So you must be just as slow.

Bitch not only do I own a 1X I got a 1tb external SSD plugged into it for maximum current gen experience     

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Y'all should just start up some Forza Horizon 4 and stop caring about this BS. :blessed: 


Real talk though.. lemmings have a about a year and a half to savor what little they have.. because when the PS5 launches.. the X1X goes back to being dated.  We have RDR2... and Gears 5.. possibly Halo Infinite and Cyberpunk...  Those are all well and good... but they aren't standing up to The Last of Us 2... It really doesn't matter what resolution any Xbox game runs at next year... nothing will top TLOU2 graphically.. and so the whole thing is moot.  Cows will claim the best looking game of the generation... and lord help us if there's a PS5 version waiting in the wings. :wow2: 

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1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

Y'all should just start up some Forza Horizon 4 and stop caring about this BS. :blessed: 


Real talk though.. lemmings have a about a year and a half to savor what little they have.. because when the PS5 launches.. the X1X goes back to being dated.  We have RDR2... and Gears 5.. possibly Halo Infinite and Cyberpunk...  Those are all well and good... but they aren't standing up to The Last of Us 2... It really doesn't matter what resolution any Xbox game runs at next year... nothing will top TLOU2 graphically.. and so the whole thing is moot.  Cows will claim the best looking game of the generation... and lord help us if there's a PS5 version waiting in the wings. :wow2: 


PS5 isn't coming in a year and a half, Death Stranding and TLOU2 won't even be done by then


SONY's gonna milk this shit till at least 2021 IMO


Edited by Vini
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Just now, Vini said:


PS5 isn't coming in a year and a half, Death Stranding and TLOU2 won't even be done by then


PS5 is coming spring 2020... that's a year and a half from now. :reg: 


TLOU2 will release next year.. Death Stranding is anyone's guess.

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9 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

PS5 is coming spring 2020... that's a year and a half from now. :reg: 


TLOU2 will release next year.. Death Stranding is anyone's guess.


Holiday 2020 is 2 years and 2 months from now. Unless you think it's coming in Q1  2020 I highly doubt that

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2 minutes ago, Vini said:


Holiday 2020 is 2 years and 2 months from now. Unless you think it's coming in Q1  2020 I highly doubt that

Did you not read my post :|  I specifically say I think it's coming SPRING 2020.. that's 1 1/2 years from now.  X1X's time is almost up..  It would be fine if Sony didn't have 3 of the most graphically impressive exclusive games still waiting to be released.  (TLOU2, Ghost of Tsushima, and Death Stranding)


Whatever Xbox releases next year... it's doubtful that anything will match those games... soooo Cows will once again claim the best looking title of the generation. :shrug: 

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4 hours ago, madmaltese said:

For the record the whole 'best multiplat' version argument imo is in reality the most useless argument ever. Unless someone here actually started this gen with PS4 as their primary system over the XO (since PS4 had the better multiplats) and then went to Pro and then to X all the 'best multiplat' talk is just situational. Let alone going to PC if you have a capable one.


Dyno and jonb didn't game on PS4 early this gen and now switch to X since PS4 no longer has best multiplats. They didn't give af early gen and no one gives af now :face:

This 100%. The lemcels never cared about power and they still dont, specially considering the majority (90%) of these tards still play the worst console version of multiplats. In the real world the Xshit is irrelevant and will continue to be so.

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12 minutes ago, dakur said:

This 100%. The lemcels never cared about power and they still dont, specially considering the majority (90%) of these tards still play the worst console version of multiplats. In the real world the Xshit is irrelevant and will continue to be so.

This isn't true whatsoever, Xbox has always had the most powerful consoles in their respective generations so it's always been important, it's been a big part of the brands path. During the early stages of this generation that was flipped on its head obviously. So it's not so much that no one ever cared, people cared but there's nothing they could do about it, you come to accept the things you cannot change. That ship was righted however and yet again Xbox has the most powerful console in its respective generation. Power was always important but the need to constantly go over what could not be changed never was.


Cows got a glimpse of hardware superiority and it went to their heads, it went to the heads of journalists, it went to the heads of every facet of the generation, these people couldn't handle the mantle responsibility and thus it returned back to those who could. 

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lol i skimmed the OP and assumed he was talking about Xbox sales. Turns out it was fucking PUBG sales, like anyone gives a shit. :mj:

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10 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

This isn't true whatsoever, Xbox has always had the most powerful consoles in their respective generations so it's always been important, it's been a big part of the brands path. During the early stages of this generation that was flipped on its head obviously. So it's not so much that no one ever cared, people cared but there's nothing they could do about it, you come to accept the things you cannot change. That ship was righted however and yet again Xbox has the most powerful console in its respective generation. Power was always important but the need to constantly go over what could not be changed never was.


Cows got a glimpse of hardware superiority and it went to their heads, it went to the heads of journalists, it went to the heads of every facet of the generation, these people couldn't handle the mantle responsibility and thus it returned back to those who could. 

"They care so much about power that they chose the weakest console to game on"


Are you a retard?


"Accept the things you cannot change"


Lemmings could have changed the console they game on if power was more important to them. The fact that they didnt shows that power means shit to them next to brand loyalty. So their claim that power is so important now is pretty much BS.

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