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"I didn't learn shit in College/University"

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I noticed that Aza gets all riled the fuck up about the wimmenz after he's done browsing /r/MGTOW.  Something about that sub just rustles his fuckin' jimmies. :cruise: 

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What's the matter.........I figured you would've been happy today since the news came out the Putin killed the Oligarch liason who oversaw that Russian Lawyer who conducted that Trump Tower meeting.


Putin trying to kill off more loose ends. He was in a chopper that was flying, unauthorized, through some forrest region, and it......uh, "crashed" for some reason.


Either shot down, or shoddy Russian craftsmanship. Either scenario is likely.

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7 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

I noticed that Aza gets all riled the fuck up about the wimmenz after he's done browsing /r/MGTOW.  Something about that sub just rustles his fuckin' jimmies. :cruise: 

I love MGTOW merely as an alternative view point, I live in a traditionalist country. So it's a good balance.


I take pieces of their observations and match them with the more traditionalist local ones,

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7 minutes ago, jehurey said:

What's the matter.........I figured you would've been happy today since the news came out the Putin killed the Oligarch liason who oversaw that Russian Lawyer who conducted that Trump Tower meeting.


Putin trying to kill off more loose ends. He was in a chopper that was flying, unauthorized, through some forrest region, and it......uh, "crashed" for some reason.


Either shot down, or shoddy Russian craftsmanship. Either scenario is likely.

I have no idea what you're talking about Lebedev? That was before Putin was even a blip on the political map.

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3 minutes ago, Beta Bux Romeo said:

I have no idea what you're talking about Lebedev? That was before Putin was even a blip on the political map.

You getting your own countries government murders mixed up???????


I don't blame ya.


Its hard to keep track, over there.

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1 minute ago, jehurey said:

You getting your own countries government murders mixed up???????


I don't blame ya.


Its hard to keep track, over there.

The notion is that Putin has to actually "kill" someone is purely Western delusional propoganda. That's not how control is done, neither is it by hammering one ideology in like a nail into a door plank, cause it will eventually come out. It's about creating multiple centers of opinion, ideology etc, and balancing them out to fight in harmony.



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15 minutes ago, Beta Bux Romeo said:

The notion is that Putin has to actually "kill" someone is purely Western delusional propoganda. That's not how control is done, neither is it by hammering one ideology in like a nail into a door plank, cause it will eventually come out. It's about creating multiple centers of opinion, ideology etc, and balancing them out to fight in harmony.



Oh so what you are saying is that your Russians are so mentally weak that Putin doesn't NEED to try so hard in order to dominate all of you.


Yeah...........I think i can agree to that.

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humanities programs are a fucking shitshow.


You start out, 120 kids in an undergraduate class. soak up liberal propaganda, if you can manage/hack it for 4 years and parrot back well enough you get to do a Master's degree, provided you got straight A's in undergrad. At this point you're 10-15 in a class. the undergrad is worthless, it's proving grounds. Most get weeded out at this stage. Get by with C's and B's and you're going nowhere.


I'm in the same position. At the master's level you're not considered a student anymore, you're faculty and an agent of the cause/propaganda. you get A's for showing up. You're a colleague but you don't get paid as much. You get access to the University like you never had before. You get the odd jobs that pay $20+ an hour that the profs don't want to do. You work like a dog. You deal with retarded undergrads who will never make it to your level. 

Everyone in higher education humanities is Jewish, gay, or fucked up. communal values rule. 90% are communists. 


I had one professor open up class this semester with some Nishnabe tribe call that demanded we recognized Montreal as aboriginal lands. And that Concordia University and the campus in general was founded on native lands and that we colonialists stole it unjustfully. this is some old jewish broad teaching the class as well. :rofl: Fucking nutcases all throughout this department . that class is split between phd and masters students, at the phd level maybe 3 people are left down from 15 at the masters level. we have two girls and a tranny as our phd students this year. :D




Edited by Bodycount NX
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