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6 Teraflops of power [IT'S A MONSTER!]

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11 hours ago, Bodycount NX said:

Artistically, MS offerings look like something from a CD-ROM included in your cereal box from 1995.

Shit, he's barely even exaggerating.

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6 tf:                       4 tf:               Wh

They actually meant 6 flops: Six of Thots, State of Dickay 2, Lucky's Gay, Crackwhore 3, Quantum Bitch and Recock 

Japanese fighting game designers must be laughing their damned assess of @ KI. One of the ugliest art styles ever.    

anyone thinking MS is making a comeback next gen is insane. the gap is just too huge, the disparity between developers on Sony's side vs Microsoft's is probably the biggest gap ever in this industry. sega and nintendo went head to head, playstation and the 64, the ps2, xbox and gamecube, and then the 360 and the PS3... all atleast somewhat comparable, somewhat on equal footing.


this is no contest territory. How Nu-MS has managed to effectively destroy the xbox brand identity is incredible in all reality. We've reached a point where I'd say "yes, Guerilla games is better than every single studio at microsoft" and that's not a joke, that's the fucking truth. :rofl: It's almost like we're in the gaming twilight zone.  



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"Right now we are very focused on games that bring people together, who form communities and find ways to self express," Loftis explains. "What we've noticed during this generation is that it is less of a case of going out and spending a couple of hundred million and putting a blockbuster on a shelf, as it is a case of creating a small game that gamers latch onto because it is great to watch, or there are awesome screen clips that you can share with others. We are indexing on that quite a bit."


-Shannon Loftis, head of 1st party development at NuMicrosoft^^



then when Reality hits back like a bitch for the SJW :








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the biggest issue is when Bungie and Epic left, there was no one to fill their shoes. Both our top developers left + all 3rd party support folded when the sales of the 'Bone were so low  + Microsoft abandoned the Japanese market and lost all those games as defacto exclusives to sony. All 3rd party marketing deals cut to save money. COD was the last lifeblood of the Xbox even as a multiplat and Phil was too stupid to hold onto the franchise. Then Play anywhere closed the casket and lowered into the ground, making a PC companion box joke with nothing but western multiplat shit on it.


the perfect storm for the death of a brand. There is literally no coming back from this. This is Microsoft's WiiU moment just unlike Nintendo they're not pulling the plug, they're not going to change course and strike lightning in a bottle like Nintendo miraculously did with Switch. They're doubling-down on their failed direction, digital streaming crap, Windows 10 garbage multiplats, and a 'generationless' approach that solidifies the failed ass Xbone years as the future of the brand.


fuck you phil spencer.



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Sunset is a legit amazing game. But the hate for XB1 was way too strong when that game came out, it was destined to fail. There were probably like 3-5 million Bones out there at the time it came out as well, who the fuck was there to buy it? :D That game would have been a banger anywhere else, or shit even released right now on xbone. god knows there's fuck all for us to buy on it now.


now we're at the dangerous point where MS sees Shart of decay and Sea of 6's actually selling well to their new audience of family budget gamers paying $8 for gamepass. They have 0 incentive to make God of War calibur games when their customers will lap up janky, broken, buggy last gen looking shit like state of decay, and only want to pay $8 to play it.


It's over


Console completely devalued (No exclusives)

games completely devalued (gamepass)

no incentive to buy full price games for it, let alone collect for it


The brand is toxic at this point. People hear Xbox and they auto-think 'don't buy that shit. it has no games. get a ps4 instead'. :rofl: 

Edited by Bodycount NX
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lol. They'll do better next-gen though. People don't like to see a company dominant for too long. You can see it already with people crying about "arrogant Sony". 

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1 hour ago, Goukosan said:

3 free games :ooh:


But damn... Xbox1 can't even sell for shit with 3 free games?... wow :sabu:

I remember when Sega Saturn had to resort to that to sell consoles. It's not a great sign.

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the SJW side of xbox is what really killed it. To think they go with the "generation"? Like what they even mean? to express themselves? lol


certainly not gaming trends, they talking about all the delusional snowflake bs. bodyodor is right. these people should be fired lol they have no place in that kind of business.

Edited by kaz
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8 hours ago, Ike said:

I remember when Sega Saturn had to resort to that to sell consoles. It's not a great sign.

The Xbox One has sold like 12x what the Saturn has in the US so not the best comparative. Also those are not Microsoft pack in's, those are something the shop put together. Also it's Russia where people rarely pay for software which is yet again another reason to do something like this, they have to entice people into legitimate purchasing. 


Ever seen something like this in the rest of the civilized world? Nope, Russia is a horrible example of market regularity.



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On 2018-10-07 at 12:48 PM, Bodycount NX said:

We've reached a point where I'd say "yes, Guerilla games is better than every single studio at microsoft"
















Son of a bitch, he's right. :| 

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