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DynamiteCop thinks independently operating division some how means its not a part of the same company. 


Are you seriously that stupid? :cosby2:... real talk? 


Say it slowly.... Independently..... operating..... DIVISION OF MICROSOFT....... its still part of Microsoft. 



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This is actually a good thing. The company already looked like it was in taters.   It doesn't really do much harm to have them work for MS considering what they're current status is.

It doesn't work both ways because we already know they're releasing a console as normal as it's their bread and butter, and we also know the streaming blades are made of Xbox One S internals.   

Xbox is getting curb stomped in the console space....wait...lets drop our most profitable segment of our business (PC)... an area that we literally have a monopoly on and no real competition... a spac

10 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

DynamiteCop thinks independently operating division some how means its not a part of the same company. 


Are you seriously that stupid? :cosby2:... real talk? 


Say it slowly.... Independently..... operating..... DIVISION OF MICROSOFT....... its still part of Microsoft. 



I didn't say they are not a part of the same company, illiterate as always. Xbox no longer natively supporting PC video game software which isn't a benefit for them has no bearing on the rest of Microsoft, what does Xbox dropping PC video game software in place of streaming mean for the division or company as a whole? Nothing. Is there going to be community outrage? What community? There is no PC community for Xbox games, it's randoms and stranglers like Remij. 


It didn't even exist two years ago, there's only 13 games in total for PC.


You retards are acting like they've some huge vested interest in this, like they'd be gutting something with hundreds or thousand of software entries, it's nothing. The games don't sell on PC, the games sell on Xbox, software is what makes them money, not the imaginary involvement of the PC community. Dumping money into extended PC development is a financial burden, it costs them time and resources, it costs them iteration time, it steals focus. Taking this outlier, taking this insignificant portion of Xbox's business and rolling it into their streaming platform eliminates all of those issues, it allows PC gamers to still have access to these games without ANY of the financial, time, resource, iteration, or focal ramifications. 



Edited by DynamiteCop!
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14 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

You're still too fucking moronic to make a distinction from the company and the division, why am I even talking to someone so stupid that they can't make this distinction? Why?


Xbox is an INDEPENDENTLY operating division, the only person they answer to is the CEO, they're basically operating as their own company within the company, they're almost identically akin to a subsidiary now. PC is not moving the needle for Xbox, it's not moving the needle for video games, it's not grasping community attention and bringing in money, Xbox is, Xbox users are. Software sales are the primary concern here, PC is an expenditure, not a benefit for them. No one is saying Microsoft is dropping PC, but this division likely will in favor of absorbing PC into their streaming infrastructure. Financially it makes sense, developmentally it makes sense, in terms of resources and employee energy it makes sense. 


Do you know why Play Anywhere exists? Terry Myerson, a man hugely focused on only financial projections and making a branch of the business as profitable as possible at any cost. Something like Play Anywhere is not the brainchild of Phil Spencer, it's the brainchild of the person who WAS actually in control trying to expand software sales beyond Xbox for additional revenue, that experiment failed in glorious fashion. So what can Microsoft do? They can't just dump PC without backlash, they offload it to another service entity, one which requires absolutely no software intervention. 


You're still doing it, absolutely unhinged retardation. PC is the LEAST profitable segment of Xbox aside from hardware itself, it's not doing anything for them. PC gamers are not lapping up their software like envisioned, as stated they're not moving the needle. Xbox software is selling just as it has been, Xbox hardware is selling just as it has been. PC's introduction to Xbox's library has done nothing. Xbox not natively developing titles for PC isn't Microsoft dropping PC you fucking dumb shit, it's not them abandoning PC for all the other facets of Microsoft's business... It's Xbox trimming a completely ineffectual experiment from THEIR roster. 


My god you are one of the dumbest people I've ever encountered in my entire life, you make Jerry seem intelligent. 


24 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

And he got the courage to say all of this... because Halo Infinite's web page doesn't have a Play Anywhere icon on it :hest: 


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How nice of the Xbox division to decide to make their games for PC.  They weren't forced to or anything... nope... not at all.  They are in complete control of where they release their content.  They're just looking for ways to completely alienate a huge market the MS is dominant in... :roll: 


Come the fuck on man :tom: 


I also love that in the very article this thread is based on.... the rumor is that MS is looking to bolster their PC DEVELOPMENT...


MS and the entire streaming venture is their way of getting out of the console hardware business.  So they don't have to design and spend money on developing consoles.  PCs will be where they primarily develop their games... and then it will scale out to other devices... which works PERFECTLY for them because they are dominant in that industry AND it doesn't cost them a single fucking $ of R&D.


This shit is so obvious it hurts...  and everybody understands that the entire reason why this is happening in the first place is because their Xbox division completely underperformed this generation.  If Xbox was selling gangbusters then there'd be no PC versions of games... there'd be no talk of a streaming console yet.  Scrapping the R&D costs of building consoles which don't make them hardly any money is what they are looking to get rid of... open your fucking eyes Dynamite...

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7 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

It didn't even exist two years ago, there's only 13 games in total for PC.

Because MS hasn't put out fuck all... lmao.  Half of their console efforts within the last 3 years have been fucking backwards compatible shit... :cosby2: 


The best way to look at it is that EVERY MS game released since the start of their PC initiative has come to PC...  We have games in development from MS that are EXCLUSIVE to PC... and Xbox is left out :D 

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Just now, Goukosan said:



Let's see, Halo Infinite is Microsoft's absolute furthest out announced title. They always put the game features on every title they announce, Play Anywhere is not a component of this title. That signifies a shift in their business model, changing something. The aforementioned is the only logically rooted outcome, as mentioned there wouldn't be outrage, there's no one to outrage. People hate the Microsoft Store, people hate Microsoft's efforts on PC, it's not a sound involvement or investment for Xbox to be involved in.


Deploy streaming with PC as one method of interaction, focus on Xbox again as they have for the previous 15 year and call it a day. It's the smartest thing they could ever do, it solidifies their system as the best way to experience their games while also providing outward accessibility, it's a no lose situation. It trims fat, cuts costs and allows access to still be retained, it's the best move they could make going forward. 

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7 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

Because MS hasn't put out fuck all... lmao.  Half of their console efforts within the last 3 years have been fucking backwards compatible shit... :cosby2: 


The best way to look at it is that EVERY MS game released since the start of their PC initiative has come to PC...  We have games in development from MS that are EXCLUSIVE to PC... and Xbox is left out :D 

PC has real MS exclusives... while Xbox1 has none.


Xbox1 is the priority boys :rofl:

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4 minutes ago, Bodycount NX said:

hope deeno's right, they need to hard dump PoC fast.  trim the fat, play anywhere needs to go. Let people stream the games, but don't develop natively for PoC anymore, give them janky busted stream only versions.


Better yet, give them nothing at all.

Xbox is still operating under the mistakes of Terry Myerson, it's going to take time to correct his decisions for the division. They can't just at the drop of a hat make drastic changes, they need devices in place to soften blows and they're coming. 


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1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Xbox is still operating under the mistakes of Terry Myerson, it's going to take time to correct his decisions for the division. They can't just at the drop of a hat make drastic changes, they need devices in place to soften blows and they're coming. 


The delusions of a desperate fanboy :hest: 

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2 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

The delusions of a desperate fanboy :hest: 

The delusion is thinking that your minority is of any real importance or effect to Xbox. You got a hint of desperate policies put into place by a desperate executive, that's coming to an end.  

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The funny thing is that Microsoft isn't dominant at all in the PC gaming space. I bet their revenue is complete and utter garbage in comparison to Steam and GOG. Microsoft doesn't get money for each game sold on those services... Windows just so happens to be the dominant OS that people use for gaming and those services. Why do you think Microsoft created the Microsoft Store and UWP? So they could get a piece of the pie like they do from sales on the Xbox Marketplace. Too bad the Microsoft Store is complete shit. :mj:

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Just now, lynux3 said:

The funny thing is that Microsoft isn't dominant at all in the PC gaming space. I bet their revenue is complete and utter garbage in comparison to Steam and GOG. Microsoft doesn't get money for each game sold on those services... Windows just so happens to be the dominant OS that people use for gaming and those services. Why do you think Microsoft created the Microsoft Store and UWP? So they could get a piece of the pie like they do from sales on the Xbox Marketplace. Too bad the Microsoft Store is complete shit. :mj:

Case in point, exactly. It's a completely fruitless effort and venture for them. If they would have done right with GFWL and not fucked that up they could actually exist in this space as a legitimate and valid member of it, but they don't. Their entrance into this market has been the result of policies put into place due to internal ailings within Xbox, not because they actually gave a shit about PC. PC gamers hate the Microsoft store, they hate UWP, they're not buying games on this platform, they're not buying Xbox games. 


If they were what I'm saying would be completely rooted in fantasy, it would be fucking insanity but it's absolutely rooted in reality. PC versions of Xbox games isn't doing anything, it's devaluing the mindshare around Xbox as a console, that's its only accomplishment, it's sure as shit not software sales. They can quell this mindshare issue if they relegate PC to streaming, they can point blank kill that stigma. 


Sure the games will still be able to be played elsewhere but it will solidify Xbox as being the place you want to play them. They can't lose with this, they still appease the "we're for everyone" crowd and also appease the Xbox base itself. 

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4 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Case in point, exactly. It's a completely fruitless effort and venture for them. If they would have done right with GFWL and not fucked that up they could actually exist in this space as a legitimate and valid member of it, but they don't. Their entrance into this market has been the result of policies put into place due to internal ailings within Xbox, not because they actually gave a shit about PC. PC gamers hate the Microsoft store, they hate UWP, they're not buying games on this platform, they're not buying Xbox games. 


If they were what I'm saying would be completely rooted in fantasy, it would be fucking insanity but it's absolutely rooted in reality. PC versions of Xbox games isn't doing anything, it's devaluing the mindshare around Xbox as a console, that's its only accomplishment, it's sure as shit not software sales. They can quell this mindshare issue if they relegate PC to streaming, they can point blank kill that stigma. 


Sure the games will still be able to be played elsewhere but it will solidify Xbox as being the place you want to play them. They can't lose with this, they still appease the "we're for everyone" crowd and also appease the Xbox base itself. 

The fact that Microsoft is using Xbox One X boards for their streaming service says a lot. That kind of surprised me a bit because I was for sure thinking they were going to basically do what NVIDIA and Google are doing now for their services, but instead they went the route Sony did and is bringing the "console experience" to streaming and not the PC experience. It's probably to save a lot of money, but at the same time the One X makes more sense to use from a development and support standpoint. Will be interesting to see how it all works out.

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Just now, lynux3 said:

The fact that Microsoft is using Xbox One X boards for their streaming service says a lot. That kind of surprised me a bit because I was for sure thinking they were going to basically do what NVIDIA and Google are doing now for their services, but instead they went the route Sony did and is bringing the "console experience" to streaming and not the PC experience. It's probably to save a lot of money, but at the same time the One X makes more sense to use from a development and support standpoint. Will be interesting to see how it all works out.

They're using S boards lol. 

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3 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Case in point, exactly. It's a completely fruitless effort and venture for them. If they would have done right with GFWL and not fucked that up they could actually exist in this space as a legitimate and valid member of it, but they don't. Their entrance into this market has been the result of policies put into place due to internal ailings within Xbox, not because they actually gave a shit about PC. PC gamers hate the Microsoft store, they hate UWP, they're not buying games on this platform, they're not buying Xbox games. 


If they were what I'm saying would be completely rooted in fantasy, it would be fucking insanity but it's absolutely rooted in reality. PC versions of Xbox games isn't doing anything, it's devaluing the mindshare around Xbox as a console, that's its only accomplishment, it's sure as shit not software sales. They can quell this mindshare issue if they relegate PC to streaming, they can point blank kill that stigma. 


Sure the games will still be able to be played elsewhere but it will solidify Xbox as being the place you want to play them. They can't lose with this, they still appease the "we're for everyone" crowd and also appease the Xbox base itself. 

It's hilarious how you say that PC hasn't affected Xbox sales and game sales at all...it's a drop in the hat... yet there's this huge stigma which is apparently hurting the xbox brand? LOLOLOL  It's also hilarious how you think that MS offering their games on PC devalues the Xbox console... but them literally offering their games on any device connected to a screen for $10 a month doesn't do that x100 :tom: 


This is complete delusion my man.  Their PC effort isn't fruitless lmao... this effort will lead them to not be dependent on hardware or creating and selling hardware which makes them no money.  Xbox as a console brand is almost worthless... and now they are transitioning it into a cloud gaming brand... which will run strictly off PCs in the future.  I fucking called this shit like 2 years ago :D 

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12 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Yeah, I think they're cramming four or so systems into a single blade. 



Yeah, that's definitely a One S board. Though, I find it funny that Microsoft announces their game streaming endeavor as if its never been done and they're pioneering it.

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Just now, lynux3 said:

Yeah, that's definitely a One S board. Though, I find it funny that Microsoft announces their game streaming endeavor as if its never been done and they're pioneering it.

Well from the sound of it (and given their resources) I'd say they're in the best position to actually get it right. From what they're saying here they're doing and inventing types of encoding and compressions forms, doing stuff to decrease latency etc. To me at least it seems like they're going to deliver the first extremely competent streaming service, something that would shock you in use. 



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