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Another week another insane SJW Gaming Article - This Time It's Lovecraft

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I'm not keen on mincing words on this one. H.P Lovecraft was a racist and before you go making an argument for separating the art from the artist, let's be clear on another point: so are his stories. They encompass other problematic elements too, of course - misogyny, homophobia. Right down to their core, right down to the very themes that recur throughout his works, you'll find the hateful perspective he had of the world: the ignorance of someone who viewed anything unlike himself with revulsion. While he drew inspiration from works predating him, what Lovecraft gave to the genre of cosmic horror was his hate.
Edited by Beta Bux Romeo
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To me it depends on the intentions of the author.  Judging Mark Twain for his use of the N-word is silly because his intention was clearly to tell a story about the evils of slavery.  There is no deba

"Yeah but other than all that racist shit he wrote, where is the racist shit he wrote?" - The Post.

LMAO if you can't see it in his writings it's because of willfull ignorance.  Ain't nobody here challenging his legacy.  I'm just calling it like I see it.  Sorry that hurts your feelings.  

Anyone who has read Lovecraft knows he's racist as fuck.  Except Deeno, first because he's too busy agreeing with the depictions, and second because he doesn't read.


Article's dumb, though.  You can easily make a Lovecraftian style of entertainment without incorporating any of his racist views.  Bloodeborn did it perfectly.

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1 hour ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

Anyone who has read Lovecraft knows he's racist as fuck.  Except Deeno, first because he's too busy agreeing with the depictions, and second because he doesn't read.


Article's dumb, though.  You can easily make a Lovecraftian style of entertainment without incorporating any of his racist views.  Bloodeborn did it perfectly.

Ok fine but why write this article if everyone already knows this?  Other than the author of the article trying to score some virtue points.  Lmao "problematic" fuck I hate how overused that word has become :mj:

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13 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

Ok fine but why write this article if everyone already knows this?  Other than the author of the article trying to score some virtue points.  Lmao "problematic" fuck I hate how overused that word has become :mj:

Because you give it clicks.

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1 hour ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

Anyone who has read Lovecraft knows he's racist as fuck. 


Why do you always talk out of your ass like Jerry? Aside from The Horror at Red Hook, name some more of his short stories that are "racist as fuck." Go on.


Unless you read about his private life, it's easy to completely miss his racism. I read his story stories as a teenager and had no idea. 


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5 minutes ago, Saucer said:


Why do you always talk out of your ass like Jerry? Aside from The Horror at Red Hook, name some more of his short stories that are "racist as fuck." Go on.


Unless you read about his private life, it's easy to completely miss his racism. I read his story stories as a teenager and had no idea. 




Thanks for playing, dumbass. :D

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Everytime a leftist writes an article about judging past works with a 2018 lens it just pushes more people from the center to the right. They are their own worst enemy. 

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2 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

Everytime a leftist writes an article about judging past works with a 2018 lens it just pushes more people from the center to the right. They are their own worst enemy. 

It wouldnt be that sad if they weren't ultimately just using this angle just to get laid lol.

Edited by Beta Bux Romeo
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1 hour ago, Cookester15 said:

Everytime a leftist writes an article about judging past works with a 2018 lens it just pushes more people from the center to the right. They are their own worst enemy. 

To me it depends on the intentions of the author.  Judging Mark Twain for his use of the N-word is silly because his intention was clearly to tell a story about the evils of slavery.  There is no debating this, so to me the arguments against his writings are moot.


But with Lovecraft, the intentions are pretty clear.  The groups of people closest to the eldritch gods are typically cultures he felt were "uncivilized", and always included minorities.  In that, it's perfectly fine to point out that the motherfucker was racist.  Where this particular article falls short is in saying we should stop using his contributions to the horror genre.  It is very easy to get to the spirit of his works while leaving out the baggage.  I mentioned Bloodborne because it turns the idea of uncivilized minorities being close to the old ones on its head, and instead it's the upper class of Yarnham.  Or in Eternal Darkness where a diverse cast of characters fights against the Ancients via a collection of individual encounters in time.  Point is, most people are already adapting Lovecraft without including the worst parts of his writings.  That's why this article is fluff: it's arguing against a problem in popular media that it hasn't shown any examples of.


But yeah, Lovecraft racis' as fuck.  I still enjoy his writings for the depictions of despair in an uncaring universe, but that doesn't mean we can't be honest about the author.

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5 minutes ago, Saucer said:


You had to reach back into his obscure poetry to find an example, yet you're aruging that anyone who reads Lovecraft knows he's a racist as fuck? You're an idiot. 

"Yeah but other than all that racist shit he wrote, where is the racist shit he wrote?" - The Post.

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3 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

"Yeah but other than all that racist shit he wrote, where is the racist shit he wrote?" - The Post.


"Anyone who's read Lovecraft knows he's racist as fuck. Look at this obscure poem that's never included in mass market Lovecraft anthologies."


Useless spaz

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13 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

"Yeah but other than all that racist shit he wrote, where is the racist shit he wrote?" - The Post.

Who cares if he wrote racist shit a 90 years ago when every human on the planet was a racist dumbfuck? The games made based on his ideas are not racist and that should be the point. 


We don't need to keep throwing the baby out with the bathwater 


  1. a thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, especially a thing that is conspicuously old-fashioned.
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I'm convinced he went to an aquarium while stoned, got freaked out but how alien sea life can look, and had a nightmare where the lobsters and clams were rulers of the world. 



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