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The November Moderator Elections

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Sorry GD and Gouk your 1 year terms will be ending on November 5th and on November 6th I will appoint 2 new mods. Remij, I will extend your service until next November as you were just modded last month. 


Please put forth your names if you wish to be a SW moderator and list 3 reasons why you are a good pick. GS and Gouk you may run for a second term if you so choose. 




This is not a real election, you do not get to vote. Alph and I will choose. 

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Yea seriously.. why the fuck isn't Twinblade a mod?   He's level headed... not incredibly biased... plays a shit load of games... is always active, and usually peeks around in most threads.

I'll throw my name out there.   1. I'm the gamerist most gamer on the forum 2. I'm a big contributor to activity on the forum and visit regularly 3. I can be a dick and blunt but I

Here are my three campaign points   1. TLHBO 2. TLHBK 3. TLHBR

You need mods that basically won't do anything.  Remij has been fine.  GD has been fine.  Gouk has pissed off the lemmings but :cruise: lemmings :cruise: .


I can't think of anyone. :] 

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-I wouldn’t do much. I hate moderation. Think of me as Ron Swanson of moderating. 

-I wouldn’t abuse it like gouk and countless others 


bonus: I have some really cool ideas to make this forum way more appealing / modern 


you guys have implemented things within the last ~2 yrs that I suggested a decade ago 

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3 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

Lmao @ this clown acting as if this is "sensitive" and "confidential" info. Just post it here you dork

He's picking himself lmao 

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5 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

Lmao @ this clown acting as if this is "sensitive" and "confidential" info. Just post it here you dork


29 minutes ago, -GD- said:

ha all good bro :smoke:


i'll pm you my picks


Why are you attacking GD like that bro :bena:

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7 minutes ago, bhytre said:

Goukosuck hbfr :cruise:

Forum janitors :cruise:working for free :cruise:


No more sheep mods cocke! 

Pick a lemG 



so 50% chance i pick you? 

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1 hour ago, Jon2B said:

He's picking himself lmao 



Cooke asked for a favor when Sidescrollers.net was closing down so I helped out. 


What we have here now is much better than what sidescrollers.net ended up being (towards the end) and much better that what SW ended up turning into before we all left for sidescrollers.net. 



With that said I nominate getagrip and city boy..:monocle:

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I'd half-nominate bhytre just because at least he's funny sometimes.  That's damned impressive for a lemming.


But only for 48 hours.  Then strip him of that shit. :ben: 


EDIT: Can I re-nominate GD?  He's perfect for this place.

Edited by McWickedSmawt85
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9 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

I'd half-nominate bhytre just because at least he's funny sometimes.  That's damned impressive for a lemming.


But only for 48 hours.  Then strip him of that shit. :ben: 


EDIT: Can I re-nominate GD?  He's perfect for this place.

Yes you can re-nominate him

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