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Dunkey Creed: Odyssey

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lol, paying full price for AAA titles for the privilege  to then have to spend more so it doesn't feel like a F2P grind-fest;  Oh and big ups for the 18 Editions that Ubisoft created for their latest iteration :D 

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5 hours ago, -GD- said:

damn, i hope this game gets a lot of backlash for the xp bullshit

Honestly man it is being blown way out of proportion. If the game didn't have to option to buy a boost then no one would be talking about it. It is exactly like Origins. YOu couldn't just play the main campaign mission in that too. In fact what proper open world RPG or any rpg can you just play story after story after story and always be at a strong enough level? Legit can't think of any. Most definitely not highly revered JRPGs like Persona or classical FF, not Origins, not Witcher, not anything. Bethesda games scale so don't count. 



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