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Hellblade getting PS4 physical release

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46 minutes ago, Ramza said:

MS are philanthropist, giving and sharing all their exclusives.

After bashing sheep for years for profit talk, now they are talking about a lose of exclusives in the future as good MS profits. :kaz: 


So sane person outside of fanboy brand loyalty will get the next XBox lol.

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19 minutes ago, Beta Bux Romeo said:

After bashing sheep for years for profit talk, now they are talking about a lose of exclusives in the future as good MS profits. :kaz: 


So sane person outside of fanboy brand loyalty will get the next XBox lol.

Ms buying up studios left and right . Their first party beats up on Sony now . Why buy a ps5? Worse versions of all games and worst exclusives . Yuck 

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Just now, Beta Bux Romeo said:

MS first party beats Sony's, hopes and dreams. Fucking literally. :kaz:



Best in genre gaming , only on X


You don't see Sony buying new studios . You see their studios leaving and making games on Xbox lmao 

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1 minute ago, Jon2B said:

Sony devs leaving left and right . Literally left with nothing but cinematic sjw movie games lmao 

MS devs flopping left and right. Literally left with nothing but boring racing games lmao

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1 minute ago, Ramza said:

MS devs flopping left and right. Literally left with nothing but boring racing games lmao

It doesn't count because I think it's boring :tear2:


Lmao you are so stupid .

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Just now, Jon2B said:

It doesn't count because I think it's boring :tear2:


Lmao you are so stupid .

It doesn't count because I said SJW movie games :tear2:


Lmao you are so stupid .

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1 minute ago, bhytre said:

Hellblade is better on X, worst on PS4.  They're making a stand  for our pewter medal!  Who cares :pavarotti:

We can't see the pixels or feel the framerate guyz

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