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Testing out the 2080Ti in 3DMark

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This thing flies.  My CPU is holding my overall score back a lot in 3dmark though...  6700K is amazing for gaming, but in the CPU physics test it just gets trashed.


On the card for this test I had +140 core and +1000 mem.  Perfectly stable at that speed.  GDDR6 is fast as hell...  704 GB/s memory bandwidth :whew: 




Here's my score compared to one of my better 1080Ti scores in Timespy.  You can see the CPU's down a bit because I dropped from 4.7GHz to 4.6.. but 50% faster on the GFX scores.. and I'm sure I can get +160-170 on the core without much trouble. :smoke: 





I also tested out FFXV and then Quantum Break at 4K with the upscaling turned off, which is brutally taxing on systems.. and wow what a difference.  Oh, and Dragon Quest XI got an update today which added 90 / 120 / 144 fps locks as well as an unlimited option.  DQXI at 4K @ 100fps with gsync might just be one of the nicest looking things released this gen.  What a gorgeous game.  The enemies and their awesome animations look glorious at that framerate.

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