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How much time can you game as a healthy adult?

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I have like 1 hour a day for games these past months. So I get suprised how 28-30-year olds find time for this stuff when theres work/family/exercise to worry about all the time etc. Not to mention seeing friends etc. I guess I start to see why gaming is still considered immature by most adults.

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It all makes sense now. Xbox One Hour.    TLHBK 

This is probably why people stick with xbox deespite it sucking. If you can only afford an hour a week for gaming then you can spread your Forza time over 52 weeks until the next one comes out.

So your wife is ugly ? Rofl 

Gaming is immature. It's such a time sink. Games are too long nowadays. 


Remember the old days, very few games lasted more than a few hours. (they were hard to beat though) Even the JRPGs were relatively short compared to today. You can beat old school FF and Chrono Trigger in less than 30 hours.


Now everything has to be a 100 hours open world with endless side quests.


I'm having a hard time finding the time these days and I'm single with no kids. If I was a parent I probably wouldn't play at all, or maybe a few hours each week just for fun but I could no longer play tons of games.

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it's tough man. ironically, i had more time to game when i was married, since we were stuck in a rut (worked/ate/watched tv/fucked/played video games when she slept/repeat). now that i'm dating again, i'm out a lot....and i have about 5 - 10 hours a week to game/watch tv. if there's something i really want to play/watch, i have to basically not go out, which sucks. but i'll do it. i'm so behind on so many games/tv series now. my ex and i would watch a lot of the same shows, so that made the tv part easy. but some of these chicks i meet hate watching tv, so...


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depends. sometimes 6+ hours (playing lots multiplayer like doto) or like 3 hours for some sp. For me it's not the amount that i play in a single session it's more about on how many days of the week i play. 


Just play when you feel like it and have nothing better to do, otherwise if you want to play a lot just take 2 days "off" in a week. :shrug:   idc tho I love gaming. :shrug:  

if this feeling of wasting time sets in i dont think about it or start drinking heavily(almost wrote heavenly). you guys should try it. :leo::leo::(

Edited by kaz
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2 hours ago, Beta Bux Romeo said:

Unless you're heavy into work over 30, you have a lot of time otherwise. What are you going to do call your friends that are married and changing diapers to go out?

Watch a movie, TV show, read, go out drinking, party, go on a date, out door activities, Indoor activities :cosby:, sleep, work, work out... etc just to name a few.

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32 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

Watch a movie, TV show, read, go out drinking, party, go on a date, out door activities, Indoor activities :cosby:, sleep, work, work out... etc just to name a few.

this. as much as i love gaming/tv...i love actually being out and doing stuff, or having someone over. 

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I just sacrifice a bit of sleep for a great game I want to play a lot. I don't care if I go all tired and unproductive to work. If they complain I say it's because all the workload they give us lmao.


Some people who see gaming as immature mention "shopping" as one of their hobbies, so who are they to say gaming is a waste of time :facep: 

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