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Russian college student guns down 18 people and detonates bombs

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you can't fall any lower than starting this thread to make it about yourself/your country. what a narcissistic dumerican you are, it's scary. I'd ban you for that. 

why? the same reason why all the others did things like that. mentally ill. and i'm not saying with a history but in most cases bullied - shit life - then snap. but stil thenl it's mental.  

You are such a fucking liar just like the piece of shit treasonous President you ass worship.  

1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

How is this not on any other major new sites.

oh it's just russia. we couldn't care less. that would be like russians caring about the mass shootings in the states. i would never expect them to give a shit. 

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12 minutes ago, bhytre said:

Seems like the guy wanted to take revenge for being humiliated by some of the students, so they say.

Don't mess with the quiet guys :dame: 

Incels truly are a problem.


We can't make movies making fun of these dorks anymore, because these are the people that end up shooting up the classroom.


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3 minutes ago, bhytre said:


Speak for yourself. (for once). LOL


Interesting, I didn't call him an incel, but he immediately thought that I did and tried to say he had a girlfriend.  Accidentally answered the Rorschach test. lol

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1 minute ago, Beta Bux Romeo said:

Also you can't virtue signal with Russia, so liberals just sweep it under the floor.

most conservatives couldn't care less about russia either. in the us, we have a "not in my backyard" attitude. so, attacks outside of the states mean jack shit to most of us. 

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44 minutes ago, kokujin said:

i get how pissy futile and whiney my last post comes across,


lol but again, that's half the problem.  I truly wonder why this kid did it. 

why? the same reason why all the others did things like that. mentally ill. and i'm not saying with a history but in most cases bullied - shit life - then snap. but stil thenl it's mental.


I know it's not the answer you looking for bc it's too simple and we know it but I'm saying you have to be crazy to actually kill someone let alone start a massacre like that.


The elliot rodger kid holw damn that dude was a weird ass aspergers psycho and other people want revenge for whatever reason. it's sad.



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37 minutes ago, kaz said:

why? the same reason why all the others did things like that. mentally ill. and i'm not saying with a history but in most cases bullied - shit life - then snap. but stil thenl it's mental.


I know it's not the answer you looking for bc it's too simple and we know it but I'm saying you have to be crazy to actually kill someone let alone start a massacre like that.


The elliot rodger kid holw damn that dude was a weird ass aspergers psycho and other people want revenge for whatever reason. it's sad.





bullied and shit life? was it true for this kid?  what was his 'popularity' like in high school? btw, fuckkk popularity is like LIIIFE growing up for 8 years. It consumes you and you value yourself to it. It's shat.


Looking back, being grown, I think I could avoid a lot of high school kid's unhappiness. It can't be that hard to prevent a TEENAGER to be so fucking upset he wants to go in and kill everyone. 



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1 hour ago, kokujin said:



bullied and shit life? was it true for this kid?  what was his 'popularity' like in high school? btw, fuckkk popularity is like LIIIFE growing up for 8 years. It consumes you and you value yourself to it. It's shat.


Looking back, being grown, I think I could avoid a lot of high school kid's unhappiness. It can't be that hard to prevent a TEENAGER to be so fucking upset he wants to go in and kill everyone. 



I have no idea dude, my oracle is on vacation. people are different and some can't deal with failure/rejection. people that want to be somebody but are nobody live a shit life in their pov. that's what i meant.


lol the tiniest setback and ppl give up and cry OR shoot other peeps up. = mentally ill. 

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19 hours ago, kaz said:

you can't fall any lower than starting this thread to make it about yourself/your country. what a narcissistic dumerican you are, it's scary. I'd ban you for that. 

This is why I nominated you, Kaz. :mono: 

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10 hours ago, lostfool said:

You are such a fucking liar just like the piece of shit treasonous President you ass worship.  

Sorry but no.




That's since 1966, that's 21 deaths a year on average out of the entire 300 million+ US population, 21 a year. More people have been murdered by guns in the time it took me to write this post than mass shootings account for in a full year. 


In Chicago on average about 590 people are killed a year in shootings, that's 49 people a month, 24.5 people every two weeks. As I said more people are smoked in Chicago in two weeks than mass shootings account for in a full year on average. Two years of shooting homicides in Chicago and you've exceeded 50 years of mass shooting deaths, think about that.


Mass shootings suck, but they make up an INFINITESIMAL percentage of gun related homicides. No one gives a shit about individual people dying from shootings even though they absolutely eclipse mass shootings by 250-600 times, they care about instance quantity even though its a tiny number of people relative to the whole of victims. 


It's totally misplaced priorities, give me a fucking break. Virtue signaling out the ass. 




One of these is a huge fucking issue, the other simply isn't. 



Edited by DynamiteCop!
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