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Co-founder of Oculus leaves Facebook (after the supposed cancellation of "Rift 2")

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Apparently he and facebook have a different view on the direction the company should be heading.  Facebook is apparently putting more focus on stand-alone headsets like the Oculus Go and Quest.  They are supposedly reshuffling resources as they've noticed that Rift users don't play "experiences" and tend to use it just for gaming.. so they are changing the focus of some of the teams to maximize preferred content for each device.


Facebook/Oculus quickly denied the report and said that they have new hardware in development for the PC platform.



The new and current head of Rift at Oculus.. who was also a co-founder:



We'll have to see where it goes.. but hopefully they can work past it and get something that really does well for them because most of the innovation happens at the high end and then trickles down.  I completely understand the need to focus on the stand-alone market and to build up the brand though.  


What they need to do is work on a headset which is stand-alone, but which you can also connect to your PC for high end experiences.


At their Connect 5 conference.. they stated that the next version of Rift was being worked on and that all of your current content would work on the future hardware..  lol


Oh well, I'll continue to support Oculus as they release new content... but if Oculus does begin to take focus off the Rift, then it's a terrible thing for VR in general. 

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