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Something big regarding Metal Gear Solid is definitely happening.. is Kojima involved?

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How much of a mind fuck would it be if Death Stranding actually tied into MGS somehow?


Another thing... what if that "MGS1 intro remake" was actually a tease for an actual MGS1 remake?




I remember thinking that it looks too damn good for a single person to do... but these days you never know?


Still though, Hayter, Atkin Downes, and Paul Eiding all definitely appear to be involved.  Robin A Downes wasn't in MGS4, so it's less likely that it could be related to that.  It could be an entirely new game of course... but there's definitely something.  Seems like we'll find out at the VGAs.  I'm kinda legit excited :lupe: 


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7 minutes ago, jehurey said:

I'd say its a MGS1 remake that was done with Kojima's blessing.


Kojima would've had to remake MGS1 anyway in order to retcon alot of the story elements he introduced in later games.

Seems quite likely.


Despite my feelings towards Konami, if Kojima has given the game his blessing, and assuming they do justice to the source material (if that IS what it turns out to be) then in a way it makes me happy.  We'd get the REAL Snake back, Kaz, AND the Colonel himself back for another round... with Kojima's support.  That's some family reunion, let's put the past behind us, type shit that quite frankly Konami NEEDS if they want this series to continue.


Of course it could be something completely different... but I don't think they'd be teasing quite this much for anything less than an actual game.

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10 minutes ago, Voidler said:

MGS3 is the one to remake

I'd be down as fuck for that, since it's my favorite one.. but I can't see it being that as Paul Eiding wasn't in that one.


The video in the OP said something about Sniper Wolf's voice actress as well iirc.


I'm pretty sure it's MGS1 related.

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2 minutes ago, Beta Bux Romeo said:

The actors said whatever it is, will be unvieled at the VGAs on Dec 6th.


I personally suspect an MGS1 remake.

Wasn't there supposed to be a MGS movie being made?  Maybe it's a CG movie and they will be voicing the characters?

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26 minutes ago, Beta Bux Romeo said:

BluePoint is/was recruiting people for facial capture and animation. They remastered MGS.


I think there might be a chance this is the connection.

Who knows?  Could be... but I have my doubts.  They were looking into armor design too, weren't they?


Sounds like it's a multiplat anyway



We are passionately at work remaking a classic for current-gen game systems, growing our capabilities as a team and raising the bar for what fans anticipate from us.


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