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Sony caught lying AGAIN :D

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Sheep defending flat out lies to fit in with the Sony sheep LOL

You have 30 day exclusive horse and outfit   And apparently downs.   Fucking idiot fake sheep LOLOL

is that a metaphor for the missing xbox one x exclusives?  

9 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

Sonys biggest defender....a sheep :D 

Not even the sony sheep are attempting to fight the ownage laid upon them today.



lol he's getting even more madder, and I'm not even doing anything.


I like how he really wants to avoid me, at all costs.  Melting down, and all I have to do is just post simple observations. Why wouldn't I continue? LOL

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2 hours ago, jehurey said:

Depends on when Digital Foundry paused the game to do a pixel count.


They said that they played Far Cry 5 extensively and would do pixel count samples in many different scenarios, and they said that the game remained a hard 4K resolution. Until later on, it was discovered that it does dynamically scale in certain instances.


The developer isn't divulging any of their development details to DF, so its all based on what they gather in their testing.

What part of doesn't do dynamic resolution don't you understand? :|

Edited by MalaXmaS
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3 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

What part of doesn't do dynamic resolution don't you understand?

The part where its not said by the developer, but only speculated by Digital Foundry..........and they have been proven completely wrong in this same exact scenario before with another open-world game (Far Cry 5).

Same exact way. Digital Foundry was adamant that it was Full 4K locked, at all times in FC5. No Dynamic Sampling at all, they said. And they were wrong. And the reason why was because they take random samples to pixel count, and are not pixel counting at all times.

Edited by jehurey
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9 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Pretty sure exclusive content and exclusive online are quite true.

Is this thread about that ? Nope .


And the exclusive content is a joke . Lmao 

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2 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

Is this thread about that ? Nope .


And the exclusive content is a joke . Lmao 

No, Dynocrap said that all people talked about was the sales, and then I brought up the exclusives and how the game on PS4 comes with exclusive stuff.


You don't anything about the exclusive content. But if you do get around to experiencing the exclusive content, then you can comment on it when you know what you are talking about.


Until then......the PS4 does have more exclusive content.:shrug:

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2 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

You have 30 day exclusive horse and outfit :D


And apparently downs.


Fucking idiot fake sheep LOLOL

And exclusive content for Red Dead Online and more exclusive items besides those already mentioned.


Y'know, if it wasn't worth much......you wouldn't be getting that hanged up over it. LOL

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Timed exclusive "items" lol 


4k and good performance is exclusive to X forever lololol


And Sony lied . 


You lost every argument which is why you are talking about timed exclusive items right now lollolol


You lost , like a loser does 

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4 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

Timed exclusive "items" lol 


4k and good performance is exclusive to X forever lololol


And Sony lied . 


You lost every argument which is why you are talking about timed exclusive items right now lollolol


You lost , like a loser does 

And yet those are still true, and there's nothing you can do about that.


take a chill pill, my man. lol

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5 minutes ago, jehurey said:

And yet those are still true, and there's nothing you can do about that.


take a chill pill, my man. lol

There's nothing you can do about X wiping the floor with Pro , and there is nothing you can say to make the picture in p1 true 



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Just now, Jon2B said:

There's nothing you can do about X wiping the floor with Pro , and there is nothing you can say to make the picture in p1 true 



That's perfectly fine, its only slightly better.

Whereas exclusive content is exclusively better.


And exclusive games will be permenantly better. :blessed:


And I got the console 14 months earlier. And it cost $100 less. lol

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4 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

Slightly ? Lmao 


30 day timed exclusive outfits :D


and now you change the topic again because you LOST 


Looooseeerrrrrr, oh looooseeerrrrrr :D

Yup slightly, DF said so themselves. PS4pro version is "just behind" at the final wrap up of their comparison video.


Wow. You need to take a chill pill, my man. lol

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