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RDR2 (X) vs HZD (Pro) - 4K Graphics and Details Comparison

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The only immediate thing that I'd say Horizon ZD comes up short is environmental physics models.  And simply not having enough side quests to justify exploring the whole map.


But Guerilla got SO MANY things right, and their game came out 18 months ago. And remember that they were designing a wilderness that has to look alien-like. Whereas RDR2 is just trying to emulate Pacific Northwest, southwest American landscapes.


Wouldn't surprise me if Guerilla really adds alot more stuff in a sequel.

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1 hour ago, Beta Bux Romeo said:



But damn nothing touches the vegetations in Horizon.





Yea but they're not interactive at all just static, other than the tall bushes nothing interacts with the player. 


That detracts from the experience IMO

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