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But 11'500 people polled is unreliable      

Out of the 6 specific games, there are 4 Playstation exclusives, 1 multiplat, and 1 XBox "exclusive".   Did you make this thread to own yourself?

RDR2 runs with no electricity on PC, beat that 

1 hour ago, Jon2B said:

2080ti break down rate is higher than RRoD LOL

LOL... that would be impossible.  You should try to say things remotely realistic if you want people to listen to you Jon...  That's like saying X1X is almost as fast as a 1080  :kaz: 


1 hour ago, DynamiteCop! said:

It gets even worse, apparently there are two different 2070's in the market that perform drastically different from each other and there's no naming difference.


Nvidia is such hot garbage lol:mj:


Nvidia hot garbage?  :rofl: 


I know you're a fag that always needs to defend the underdog... which leads you to say stupid shit that you know better than to say... but AMD can't even enter the same ring as Nvidia.  LMAO... Let me know when they can beat last generation Nvidia products :hehe: 



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You can't come close to building a PC comparable to Xbox for anywhere NEAR the money .


Nobody cares that you can make word documents :D


Gotg exclusively NOT on PC 

Graphics of the gen exclusively NOT on PC 


Every tech outlet out there saying how the rtx cards are a rip off and 2080tis are breaking down ALL OVER 



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3 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

You can't come close to building a PC comparable to Xbox for anywhere NEAR the money .


Nobody cares that you can make word documents :D


Gotg exclusively NOT on PC 

Graphics of the gen exclusively NOT on PC 


Every tech outlet out there saying how the rtx cards are a rip off and 2080tis are breaking down ALL OVER 



Price vs performance... plebsole fall back damage control :tom: 


Nobody cares that Xbox even exists Jon... lmao Selling less than half of the competition...  Nintendo coming up and selling more in half the time.... even after the massive failure of the WiiU... ROFL


GOTG is not RDR2... you also haven't even played it.  It's not touching your Xbox and probably will be on PC before you get around to it ROFL


Graphics of the gen belong to TLOU2... RDR2 doesn't come close to that... but it might when the non beta version releases on PC :juggle:   The way you've been going... you'll probably buy the game for PC and not Xbox :cruise: 


And the RTX issues are overblown by angry AMD fanboys and idiot Xbox owners like yourself.  I'd take a broken 2080 Ti over a working X1X :rofl: 



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Just now, Jon2B said:

I know one thing Xbox outsells. 2080TIs LMFAO


Hiding behind PS4, ROFL fake ScumMit LOLOL

2080 Ti's sell out... Xbox ain't selling out... unless were referring to Xbox selling out to PC... :kaz: 

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2 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

2080 Ti's sell out... Xbox ain't selling out... unless were referring to Xbox selling out to PC... :kaz: 

NOT outselling Xbox :juggle:


MASSIVE RETURNS, they all break LMFAO RTXChange :D

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4 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

NOT outselling Xbox :juggle:


MASSIVE RETURNS, they all break LMFAO RTXChange :D

Something that's $1500 and part of a whole isn't outselling something that's 1/3rd the price?


NO WAY! :hest: 


It's outperforming shitbox by leaps and bounds.. and there's not massive returns.. there's massive butthurt.. by people like you.   Support forum hoe:rofl:  

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2 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

Now who is talking about price to performance :D



Price / sales is not price / performance idiot. :snoop: 



Notice how it's only buttblasted lemmings that get so bothered by PC?  Let it go, and go play your dell dummy :rofl: 

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22 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Of course more Xbox One X's have broke, people actually buy them :cruise:

Wait... are you insinuating that nobody is buying 2080 Tis?  LOL :mj: 


MS giving hundreds of dollars off with brand new games just to move these pieces of shit :kaz: 

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7 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:


It's absolutely correct.


They are even bundling the fucking system in with Live and Game Pass to goad people into taking the plunge ffs :D 


Hey buy our console for 24 easy payments of just $35 a month

Hey play our games for just 1 easy payment of $10 a month

Hey stream our games on your phone/tablet please for just $10 a month

Hey buy our shitty games on Steam please... you guys like Steam, right?


And still not over 40 million units sold.


Anyway, you're done because next weekend Sunset Overdrive will be announced and Halo MCC for PC.  :juggle: 

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