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WoW Classic is shaping up pretty well

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Was a bit worried how Activision age Blizzard would handle it but seems like a really faithful recreation. 


Solid rollout plan for content:


Stage 1: Molten Core, Onyxia, Dire Maul, Kazzak, Azurgos

Stage 2: Blackwing Lair, Battlegrounds and PvP rewards, Zul’Gurub

Stage 3: Ahn’Qiraj (including opening event), Tier 0.5, Silithus content, Green Dragons

Stage 4: Naxxramas Raid, Scourge Invasion


Seems like they're keeping the original honor system in (ie. the Rank 14 grind). 

16 debuff lmit

No cross realm/LFG/LFR bullshit




Summer 2019 too. Probably not something I'll realistically be able to enjoy/play longterm at this point in my life but gonna try to binge it for a couple weeks at least for the nostalgia.


Anyone else hyped? Likely gonna be the last good game Blizzard releases with the way it's trending.

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I played vanilla a lot. It's when I did most of my raiding. We did everything up to AQ40 until this huhuran butterfly shit in the underground tunnels. 


Never heard of that "remake" but I'm not interested, huge time sink. And what are they going to do with the classes? I raided a lot with a hunter, do I just have to spam Aimed Shot again. :D 


Never played it again after burning crusade, I did raiding up to tempest keep and serperntshrine cavern but my guild disbanded around that time and I stopped playing. Game is hot garbage now.

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