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Sunset Overdrive is coming to Steam

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yet lemmings get dick happy over 2001 games running on the xbone  

Regardless TLHBFR     Dynu-male   Jonboned   Bhysexual   Spiculero  

It's official, Xbox One is the worst home console platform in history, bar none. At the very least having one great exclusive like SSOD was enough to put it ahead of dead platforms like the saturn, am

1 minute ago, bhytre said:

This game has been like 6-7 pounds on Amazon UK for a long ass time now, nobody cares about this poverty port you'll end up paying way more for :tom: 


900p 30 with dips :mj: 

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9 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

X update no doubt at native 4K. They're not going to have revisited development and not enhance it.

Funny you say that... When I say Halo MCC is coming to PC, and that they aren't going to fix and update the game just for X.... you say "No way possible!!"



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4 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

Funny you say that... When I say Halo MCC is coming to PC, and that they aren't going to fix and update the game just for X.... you say "No way possible!!"



Apples to oranges, not to mention the package complexity.

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You mean confirmed games? Im not sitting here saying WHEN BAYONETTA 3 COMES TO XBOX


Like RemADDij is with Read Dead ROFL


And you are implying that RDR is coming to PC

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1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Apples to oranges, not to mention the package complexity.

No it's not.  And I laugh how you talk about one of your reasons for thinking it wont come to PC being the "complexity" and how they aren't porting 4 engines over...  LMAO The MCC versions of those games are based off the PC versions :D 


You're completely oblivious.  Most of the work is already done by virtue of the game actually running on Xbox One...  There's also one other VERY CLEAR reason that I know it's coming... but I'm going to leave that until when it's announced. :trump: 

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2 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

You mean confirmed games? Im not sitting here saying WHEN BAYONETTA 3 COMES TO XBOX


Like RemADDij is with Read Dead ROFL


And you are implying that RDR is coming to PC

Red Dead 2 IS coming to PC... lmfao


The difference between what I'm saying and what you just said is that what I say ACTUALLY has a chance of happening.. which makes your comparison stupid... like you. 

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Just now, S#$@%^i said:

lol hemstinks :D for real tho 5 year old ports.. thirsty for our games :bena:

Even wearing sigs roflmao. ITs like Sheep getting excited for more wiiu or DC ports on Ditch haha

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