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This is how far off the deep end universities have gone

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The most ridiculous thing i've ever heard :drake:


Basically these two guys were able to get 4 academic papers peer reviewed and published and 7 were accepted that were absolutely completely bogus and made up but as long as they fit a far left liberal narrative they were reviewed and published. They altered Mein Kamph and replaced jew with white man and it was accepted but not published :sabu:

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Universities are just for profit businesses now. Their goal isn’t education it’s to increase attendance, increase prices and provide profit


The never ending race for profit means that the standards of entry get lowered over time. Lower quality of academics means lower quality of research and the chase of profit means these peer reviewed papers becom a goal for readership and self affirming beliefs rather than credibility 

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2 hours ago, Voidler said:

Universities are just for profit businesses now. Their goal isn’t education it’s to increase attendance, increase prices and provide profit


The never ending race for profit means that the standards of entry get lowered over time. Lower quality of academics means lower quality of research and the chase of profit means these peer reviewed papers becom a goal for readership and self affirming beliefs rather than credibility 

It's hard to swallow. Or is it? :ben:

Edited by Angel Jim
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This specifically is not an issue so much with the universities but with the business of journal publishing and that is bogus af.


These guys were the same ones who published the conceptual penis paper on one pay-to-publish journal. The thing is everyone in academia knows that pay-to-publish journals are a joke. I have been sent proposals to publish in this type of journals and I always reject it because you basically can publish any nonsense as long as you pay. It is a business, the content of the paper is meaningless for them.


Now with this new batch of fake papers i don't know on which type of journals they were published, if they were serious academic journals or just pay-to-publish nonsense. But it was sort of dishonest of them to make the claims they did with the conceptual penis paper while publishing in a pay-to-publish journal. That doesnt really proof anything so i will take this with a grain of salt.


On the other hand the issues with academic journals are a problem in all sciences, not just gender studies. In the natural sciences some scientists managed to publish a paper created by an AI algorithm, filled with complete nonsense, in one leading natural sciences Journal. Other cases have found fraudulent data in published papers in medical sciences going on for decades. Etc etc. So the problem here is that publishing in academia has become a business and status symbol and not a way to share knowledge as was originally intended.

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