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Tabata resigns from Square Enix - FF15 Comrades Multiplayer cancelled for PC, other DLC cancelled for all systems

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On 2018-11-08 at 9:54 AM, McWickedSmawt85 said:

Platinum doesn't have to deal with Square Enix' management.  Nomura was in charge of Versus Xiii, now KH3 (13 years after KH2 release), and is overseeing FFVII remake, announced over three years ago, and still talking about the direction he wants to take it.


Tabata ain't the problem.




Really wish they'd stop putting the fuckin' idiot known as Nomura in charge of shit. Dude is an artist, not a game designer. Stop making him a director.

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Ultimately, I do want to create something based on real history—a Final Fantasy game based on real history, for example,” Tabata said to Siliconera recently. “For example; you’d have the American Civil war as a back drop, and then behind the scenes all of these Final Fantasy-type characters are utilizing their special abilities to fight. I really love that kind of setting. That’s the kind of game, I really, really want to make!”



Sounds fucking horrible. An anime take on history. This is worse than what ass Creed does with historical settings.

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11 minutes ago, Sabo said:

You can blame Nomura for FF XV, not Tabata.


Dude was handed a train wreck and was only given two years to fix it. That was nowhere near enough time to clean up Nomura's mess.


he made these from the ground up:


crisis core

3rd birthday

ff type-0


dude sucks

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I'm fully aware of what games he's made. Crisis Core sucked but so did everything else that was involved in the FF VII compilation. 3rd Birthdays gameplay was alright, the story was dumb as hell though. Type-0 was fine. All three of these games were clearly held back by hardware since all three were for the PSP. Not claiming the guy was great but he is definitely better than Nomura.

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