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Official Fallout 76 Review Thread [Massive Lulz Edition]

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MS invested in exclusive marketing deals for both Battlefield V and Fallout 76. MS sure knows how to pick 'em.  

I was laughing at the idea of real time passing while using the pip-boy. That menu is a clusterfuck and isn't snappy at all.     Bethesda games always looks somewhat outdated so I'm okay wit

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It's a good thing this will bomb. Pretty much guarantees it with all the backlash and now they will go back to making singleplayer epic RPGs. Not this fucking crap.


But man, it's hard to believe they even shipped this trash in it's current state. Did anyone at Bethesda really think ''yeah, that's gonna be a hit!''??? Maybe some corporate higher up asshole who never played a game for more than 10 mins thought it was a good idea to capitalize on the trend of online gaming with the incredibly popular PUBG/Fornite craze going on.


This is why you should let actual games developers come up with ideas and not a corporate think tank of imbeciles studying market trends.

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3 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

Where is the usual Bethesda nut huggers?


As I've been saying for a while, Ubi > Bethesda :takei:


Bethesda Game Studios is probably the worst developer that Bethesda publishes  :drake:

No one is going to defend this. Fallout 4 might have been crappy in more way than one but it wasn't such a colossal failure. This is probably the worst game they have ever made.

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46 minutes ago, Ramza said:

No one is going to defend this. Fallout 4 might have been crappy in more way than one but it wasn't such a colossal failure. This is probably the worst game they have ever made.

The main problem is that they are actually getting worse and more dated with each game while everyone around them is getting better and better. Their games are now a generation or 2 behind the likes of other open world games. 


23 minutes ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

Oh also, according to Todd Howard they plan on sticking with this engine for Elder Scrolls 6 and Starfield :rub: :D 

Surely that can't be true.... surely....

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Just now, madmaltese said:

The main problem is that they are actually getting worse and more dated with each game while everyone around them is getting better and better. Their games are now a generation or 2 behind the likes of other open world games. 

In technological terms maybe. I don't really care, looking back all their games are outdated from day one visually. It only gets a pass because of how huge and how much content there is in the game. Oblivion looked great... then came Gears of War 3 months later and completely embarrassed it's visuals. Fallout 3 was always an ugly game. Skyrim looked great but GTAV not long after compeletely destroyed it in scope and graphics. Fallout 4 came out after Witcher 3... lmfao.


They just need to focus on what they do right and their fanbase will keep buying their games in droves.


I don't really care if The Witcher 3 looks better, it still doesn't allow the same freedom and interaction that a ES/Fallout RPG can. So at the end of the day, no one is replacing them in that field.

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23 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

The main problem is that they are actually getting worse and more dated with each game while everyone around them is getting better and better. Their games are now a generation or 2 behind the likes of other open world games. 


Surely that can't be true.... surely....






There was some hope that the studio would finally ditch its engine for its supposedly next-gen titles, but again, according to Howard, that ain't happening.


"Fallout 76 uses a new renderer, a new lighting system and a new system for the landscape generation. For Starfield even more of it changes. And for The Elder Scrolls 6, out there on the horizon even more," Howard tells Forbes, confirming that future games will indeed utilise the Creation Engine.


"We like our editor. It allows us to create worlds really fast and the modders know it really well. There are some elementary ways we create our games and that will continue because that lets us be efficient and we think it works best," Howard explains.

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1 minute ago, Ramza said:

In technological terms maybe. I don't really care, looking back all their games are outdated from day one visually. It only gets a pass because of how huge and how much content there is in the game. Oblivion looked great... then came Gears of War 3 months later and completely embarrassed it's visuals. Fallout 3 was always an ugly game. Skyrim looked great but GTAV not long after compeletely destroyed it in scope and graphics. Fallout 4 came out after Witcher 3... lmfao.


They just need to focus on what they do right and their fanbase will keep buying their games in droves.


I don't really care if The Witcher 3 looks better, it still doesn't allow the same freedom and interaction that a ES/Fallout RPG can. So at the end of the day, no one is replacing them in that field.

I'm not just talking about visuals though, I think they are insanely outdated from a gameplay and an open world feeling alive perspective. ES combat nowadays would feel primitive. With their horrible hit detection and system of basically just moving forward to hit and back to get out of range and repeat. They need a full mechanical revamp. In regards to their open world their cities and npcs now feel very dated compared to Witcher and even more now that RDR2 is out. Not to mention AC is now full open world rpg and is already miles ahead. Their side quests now need far more involving stories. Their rpg systems are very basic now too.  


I'm a big fan of Oblivion, Skyrim, FO3 but they can't just do that again. They already pushed it with FO4 which is just FO3 with building and it was already feeling pretty bad and that was years ago. 


TES6's open world needs to be fully alive, dense and have a proper combat system. I don't know how they do that with this engine.

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Oh, and VATS doesn't stop the action (because you know it's online) but because of that, you can literally pull up vats - not even looking at the enemy; and still hit them :killzone:

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Just now, madmaltese said:

I'm not just talking about visuals though, I think they are insanely outdated from a gameplay and an open world feeling alive perspective. ES combat nowadays would feel primitive. With their horrible hit detection and system of basically just moving forward to hit and back to get out of range and repeat. They need a full mechanical revamp. In regards to their open world their cities and npcs now feel very dated compared to Witcher and even more now that RDR2 is out. Not to mention AC is now full open world rpg and is already miles ahead. Their side quests now need far more involving stories. Their rpg systems are very basic now too.  


I'm a big fan of Oblivion, Skyrim, FO3 but they can't just do that again. They already pushed it with FO4 which is just FO3 with building and it was already feeling pretty bad and that was years ago. 


TES6's open world needs to be fully alive, dense and have a proper combat system. I don't know how they do that with this engine.

Their not action games and doesn't need super slick and smooth combat. Not saying they shouldn't improve or anything or that they aren't behind the curve, I completely agree with that but their games shines at being real RPGs. Not pseudo RPG trash like Ass Creed.


Witcher 3 is a completely static linear open world. Who cares, it's not even in the same league as Morrowind in that regard. You can't even kill NPCs.


What they need is to stop downgrading their RPG elements to appease a more casual audience. Their games are getting progressively dumber. FO4 made that very clear, and it's story/quests were super weak.

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12 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Their not action games and doesn't need super slick and smooth combat. Not saying they shouldn't improve or anything or that they aren't behind the curve, I completely agree with that but their games shines at being real RPGs. Not pseudo RPG trash like Ass Creed.


Witcher 3 is a completely static linear open world. Who cares, it's not even in the same league as Morrowind in that regard. You can't even kill NPCs.


What they need is to stop downgrading their RPG elements to appease a more casual audience. Their games are getting progressively dumber. FO4 made that very clear, and it's story/quests were super weak.

The second they started focusing on appealing to the mainstream console crowd and that being their main version (as opposed to developing for PC then porting) you knew their RPG elements were going to become far more simplistic. Just the way it is unfortunately. We want the same things. I will always be most excited for a new TES game then any other RPG  of that specific setting however ppl do need to start saying that what they are doing isn't good enough. They need a major game to tank financially and revamp what they do. 


Whether you like AC or not, ppl stopped buying it yearly and Ubi scrapped it, had a year off and completely revamped the entire franchise for the better. This needs to happen with Bethesda. 

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1 hour ago, madmaltese said:



How the hell can you even say that after they hinted that Starfield is still 2 or so years out and TES6 a full cycle after that (maybe 4-5).

can't say im surprised. Bethesda's games will continue to sell like hot cakes regardless of how outdated there engine has become, so theres no point in investing so much time and money into building a new one.

Edited by Twinblade
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