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Official Fallout 76 Review Thread [Massive Lulz Edition]

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I just don't understand why Bethesda/Zenimax can't at least employ a small research team of programmers to BUILD a new core engine that allows them to do all the stuff they've been doing with their standard RPGs (grab every object, give everything physics) but modernize the engine to have a better collision system and more advanced animation.


They have at least 3 major RPG franchises that the engine would be used for. It would be worth it to have a special team spend several years building that.


How the fuck did they even employ John Carmack for several years and not specifically give him that task before he left the company?

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MS invested in exclusive marketing deals for both Battlefield V and Fallout 76. MS sure knows how to pick 'em.  

I was laughing at the idea of real time passing while using the pip-boy. That menu is a clusterfuck and isn't snappy at all.     Bethesda games always looks somewhat outdated so I'm okay wit

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So Gamespot just like another fallen series (BF 5) have an Early Review Impression. 3 days in, and the guy is hoping this somehow gets better? :| 







This website - The Sixth Axis, gave it  3/10. They went IN, and I highlighted the savage parts of it. :D 


Let’s get this bug report out of the way shall we? The first and most persistent issue is the frame rate. Playing on an original PS4, simply changing weapons can cause the frame rate to plummet into a fiery hole in the ground. It’s woefully inconsistent at the best of times, so you’ll often find yourself hitting a button repeatedly because it won’t register, only for every press to register simultaneously.


This nearly derailed the game completely when I got locked into a loop at a terminal that lasted five minutes.



The game crashes a fair amount. It can be anything from simply loading the game up, to being attacked by too many enemies at once that causes it. Being booted back to your home screen would be fine, except that this is a multiplayer game, so you really need things to be stable. It’s more troubling when getting kicked during certain quests then also wipes out any progress you have made during it.
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8 minutes ago, bhytre said:

It's been like 5 days since it came out, where are all the reviews?

Seems like they're scared to put out negative reviews for a Bethestrash game and face consequences .

The media bias IS real :dame: 

There’s a couple on Metacritic. Mostly 5s and 6s lol

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8 minutes ago, bhytre said:

It's been like 5 days since it came out, where are all the reviews?

Seems like they're scared to put out negative reviews for a Bethestrash game and face consequences .

The media bias IS real :dame: 

This should be telling enough :kaz:


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So there's a few reviews trickling in, mostly from unknown, or console specific sites, but even they aren't padding the reviews.



First image is from Metacritic's PC section, the 2nd image is from the Xbox section.



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Stores should remove this bullshit off of their shelves.


I know that alot of people complaining are PC users, but the PS4 and XBO users should try and complain bigtime to the big retailers about this product being broken, try to work their way into getting store credit, and demand that the game shouldn't be sold in this condition.


There has to be actual consequences from the retailers.

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GamesRadar - 2.5 out 5 :killzone:



+ Intriguing new beasts to fight

+ Fascinating backstory to Appalachia

+ New regions broaden what the post-apocalypse can be



- Numerous technical issues

- Engine is out-of-date (and it shows)

- Most quests are transparently fetch quests

- Lack of emotional depth to the (few) robot NPCs



The Guardian:  "A pointless walk in the post-apocalypse" 2 out of 5 :D 


Half-baked conflict and witless quests to unearth the dead – this soulless sequel is perfect if you enjoy picking up rubbish in a wasteland



Playstation Universe: 70


Fallout 76 is a blast to play. It's easily my favorite Fallout title to date. Fallout 76 has it's fair share of problems but they don't make the game unplayable. Fallout 76 isn't for everyone but for those who stick with it will definitely find what it has to offer.



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