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Avenatti lmfao

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These are actual banners on his website           

This faggot has nothing on Mueller or Kavanaugh for that matter. Those are men with long strong public service records, Avennati is a pornstar lawyer.  

Man its amazing............Vini created this thread specifically about Michael Avenatti getting charges with a crime against a woman.   ..................and, for some reason, he seems to ha

19 minutes ago, Vini said:

Quote me calling Democrats hypocrites then. I'll wait. 



Here's the setup:

On 2018-11-01 at 4:57 PM, McWickedSmawt85 said:

Yes.  That's what happens when alt-right incels, thinking Democrats just make up all the rape allegations to hurt Republicans, decide to come out of their safe spaces to smear honorable people with actual false allegations.  The allegations don't hold up to scrutiny.  This same type of vetting happened with Christina Ford's accusation of Kavanaugh.  Really makes you think.


Well, not you.  But others.  Lots of others.  Really makes them think.

And here's your response to that post.

On 2018-11-01 at 5:08 PM, Vini said:



Republicans attempt to use #metoo as a weapon that's cute. :D


You are clearly equivocating Republicans....................with Democrats.


And last time I check, you're talking about Kavanaugh and baseless accusations from Dr Christie Blasey Ford.


.............and who was the group of people that brought forward Dr Ford's accusations....................Senator ?????? Who is a member of which party????

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Yeah didn't think so :D



I insinuated democrats are better at using #metoo as a weapon than republicans. Where did I call them hypocrites? 


I called you and @McWickedSmawt85 hypocrites. Neither of you clowns are democrats or liberals for that matter. 


JFK would blow his own brains out if he saw you two representing his party in any capacity


Edited by Vini
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14 minutes ago, Vini said:

Yeah didn't think so :D



I insinuated democrats are better at using #metoo as a weapon than republicans. Where did I call them hypocrites? 


I called you and @McWickedSmawt85 hypocrites. Neither of you clowns are democrats or liberals for that matter. 


JFK would blow his own brains out if he saw you two representing his party in any capacity


When you made the connection to Kavanaugh.


Dude, you're not smart enough to get out of this. We clearly know what you are trying to do.


You didn't all of this to just get back at two people. You wanted to get back at "the liberals" and the culture of #metoo.


You honestly thought that me and MCWicked were people who DABBLE in #metoo accussations???????????????????


Yup, that's bird ain't flying.:tom:

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The only connection I drew to Kavanaugh is pointing out your own ideological hypocrisy of jumping to defend Mueller's honor and jumping to dismiss Kavanaugh's. I never drew an equivalence between the two cases in fact I stated I believe Dr. Ford and completely dismissed Wohl's case from the beginning. Nice try materializing a non existent false equivalence to divert from your own stunning intellectual inconsistency. 


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12 minutes ago, Vini said:

The only connection I drew to Kavanaugh is pointing out your own ideological hypocrisy of jumping to defend Mueller's honor and jumping to dismiss Kavanaugh's. I never drew an equivalence between the two cases in fact I stated I believe Dr. Ford and completely dismissed Wohl's case from the beginning. Nice try materializing a non existent false equivalence to divert from your own stunning intellectual inconsistency. 


Yeah............we "jumped on it" by pointing out established evidence, and only until then.


That's like saying, we only jumped that white guy for murder..............when we saw a smoking gun on his hands. And you're sitting here commenting "Hmmmmmm, you sure did seem to jump on that white guy a little too quickly, dontcha think? Hate white guys much?"


LOL we REPEATEDLY talked about Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford, multiple times, between me and McWicked, and you never  made that distinction.


............because you clearly want to call "liberals" hypocrites.  You want to do it.........but think you are clever to funnel it through me and McWicked.


Yeah, that ain't working, either. lol

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3 minutes ago, Vini said:

Mind reading again

It doesn't take much to invoke common sense.


When you have two people saying names multiple times........and its, SUPPOSEDLY, incorrect.........but you say NOTHING to clarify. It doesn't sound believable.


That's your defense? Really?


I'm going to love using your "you are a not a Democrat" line against you in the future......I just love that you mortgage you fucking yourself in the future, in order to get you out of a temporary bind. lol

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Just now, Vini said:

You're not a democrat 

Don't worry VIni.........I already you like repeating things to portray an AIR of confidence in order to persuade me that you didn't fuck up.


You've done it before..........you'll do it again.


The great part will be when the line "you, Jerry, are a democrat" will win you an argument, but you can't say it. When you realize it, just remember that I would've realized it..............about 10 minutes ago. LOLOL

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I have no interest in persuading you in anything any more than I want to persuade a dog from chasing it's own tail


But I'm not going to let you get away with claiming you're a democrat. That my friend you are not 

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On 2018-11-15 at 4:04 AM, jehurey said:

lol, he's purposely trying to get this out of the politics thread before this story crumbles like robert muellers accusation.


On 2018-11-15 at 1:15 PM, jehurey said:

LOL, vini. Avenatti has taken on the NFL and the Dallas Cowboys in court, and won.


He's even gotten Roger Goodell and Jerry Jones to have to testify and be questioned by him, by court order:


Oh yeah, as a side gig between running his own law firm, he was a F1 Race Car Driver:



Avenatti is guilty of beating the shit out of anyone..........its probably guys.


Not to mention this is hall of shame material :D:D 

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11 minutes ago, Vini said:



Not to mention this is hall of shame material :D:D 

I love how he knows he got embarrassed, so he tried to dig something up to make himself feel better.


I even say that Avenatti probably beats the shit out of guys. LOL


I always love it when I make Vini run.

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Vini thinks the Mueller investigation is a wash despite indicting and flipping four of Trump's top campaign officials.  His sense of justice is contingent on who is in office.

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11 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

Can someone summarize this thread for me please? 

Avenatti got arrested for domestic violence, Vini gloats because Avenatti's not in Vini's tribe, Avanetti's ex wives dispute that it was them making the accusation, Jacob Wohl takes credit for the accusation (dumbass that tried to make up a false rape allegation against Mueller), Jacob Wohl rescends taking credit for the allegation, Avanetti gets out on bail and claims innocence, Vini continues to gloat about...something, we're not sure, Vini and Jerry get on the merry-go-round.

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5 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

Avenatti got arrested for domestic violence, Vini gloats because Avenatti's not in Vini's tribe, Avanetti's ex wives dispute that it was them making the accusation, Jacob Wohl takes credit for the accusation (dumbass that tried to make up a false rape allegation against Mueller), Jacob Wohl rescends taking credit for the allegation, Avanetti gets out on bail and claims innocence, Vini continues to gloat about...something, we're not sure, Vini and Jerry get on the merry-go-round.

Ok thank you 

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