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"If Phil Spencer announces a multiplat, but there is no Sony around.......then is it an exclusive?"   -Lemcels

Xbox will still find a way to lose to Sony at E3 2019. A non-existant Sony.

The result of Sony's past E3s the lemmings claimed were hot garbage.   There goes bhytre, he choked, hes so mad.

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1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

Real talk though... E3 is done for. :(   It simply wont be the same without Sony.


EA's conferences are trash

Ubisofts are trash

MS's are great, but not enough on their own.

LMAO at the rest of them...


Without Sony and MS to go head to head, it's nothing for us.

E3 needs to be a bunch of online web conferences spread out over a 2-3 week period. Have the big three have their press conference days. Then have the big publishers for the rest of the week, and then have all the small devs for the second week.

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Well that was not the news many expected. Surprised at first but a lot less so once you think about it. 


Could be one of two things really. First just the continued lessened significance of E3. I'm sure they look at Nintendo and have learned how the constant flow of directs lets them have far more control on their messaging and timing as opposed to forcing so many reveals at the exact same time every year. Even less point when nearly everything leaks prior also.


However I think the main reason for this is timing. Everything that we don't know of is for PS5 and they can't reveal those games till the PS5 is revealed and since it obviously as fuck isn't coming out in 2019 then the reveal even isn't prior to E32019 meaning they literally can't show anything. I do think though that after they skip next year that they won't be inclined to return. They'll do their own stuff moving forward



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Also our :adhd:attention spans are better when the company can release news as they choose, as opposed to one massive conference where; and I'll be honest, I miss a lot of it, catch up on a little bit, then forget then rest. 

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So it's true? Sony is skipping E3 forever now? Or just next year? 


That fucking blows. I used to love E3 but it's getting increasingly more obsolete with every year.


Not like I was tuning in to see EA, Ubisoft and Xbox corporate trash conferences. And Nintendo threats E3 like it was just a Nintendo Direct extension. 


No Japanese publishers presence, no Sony, no conference from Nintendo. Yeah, it's time to cancel E3. On the plus side, that might be a good thing for TGS.

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1 hour ago, madmaltese said:

Well that was not the news many expected. Surprised at first but a lot less so once you think about it. 


Could be one of two things really. First just the continued lessened significance of E3. I'm sure they look at Nintendo and have learned how the constant flow of directs lets them have far more control on their messaging and timing as opposed to forcing so many reveals at the exact same time every year. Even less point when nearly everything leaks prior also.


However I think the main reason for this is timing. Everything that we don't know of is for PS5 and they can't reveal those games till the PS5 is revealed and since it obviously as fuck isn't coming out in 2019 then the reveal even isn't prior to E32019 meaning they literally can't show anything. I do think though that after they skip next year that they won't be inclined to return. They'll do their own stuff moving forward



Nintendo does a direct and still goes to e3..... Sony is entirely skipping the show. 

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14 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

Nintendo does a direct and still goes to e3..... Sony is entirely skipping the show. 

Yeah but they stopped going there live and their e3 direct is literally just another direct, not really any better than the rest. 

I mean them looking at Nintendo in regards to them pacing out their game reveals like Nintendo does and having more flexibility in what they show and when. I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo stops going now too, as it becomes less significant there is less of a reason to need to be there as opposed to choosing your own day and having 100% of the attention. 


We'll see if they return in 2020 or not but them skipping 2019 is no doubt cause they aren't going to show PS5 titles so in essence it would just be TLoU2, Ghost and Death Stranding trailers again. 

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In all honesty though, while it sucks because I always liked the build up to E3 and having all the conferences close together.. the reality is that many conferences/events throughout the year that are a bit smaller is probably a much better way to engage the players. 


It's kinda nice always having some little event to look forward to for new info and looks at games.  Hopefully that's what this translates to for the future.

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58 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

Yeah but they stopped going there live and their e3 direct is literally just another direct, not really any better than the rest. 

I mean them looking at Nintendo in regards to them pacing out their game reveals like Nintendo does and having more flexibility in what they show and when. I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo stops going now too, as it becomes less significant there is less of a reason to need to be there as opposed to choosing your own day and having 100% of the attention. 


We'll see if they return in 2020 or not but them skipping 2019 is no doubt cause they aren't going to show PS5 titles so in essence it would just be TLoU2, Ghost and Death Stranding trailers again. 

Yes... but Nintendo still actually has an e3 presence.  I can purchase an e3 ticket go to e3 and play Nintendo games at e3. 


Sony is skipping EVERYTHING entirely. 

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I go back to the Sony 2018 E3 conference and that whole small room where they show one game per room, and then move the audience somewhere else.


Either they didn't think about it and slapped it together at the last minute, or they wanted to do a Nintendo-like direct, but realized that the live-audience aspect makes it too cumbersome.

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Lol I wonder what is Sony's rationale behind this move.  They want to do their own conferences without the middleman? I get that.  But skipping E3 altogether and no off site event either seem too big a gamble. This could either be  a smart move to draw attention to their own events such as PSX or it could backfire giving all the spotlight to MS at E3.

Edited by Pureis
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Completely agree that the ESA forced their hand but they should be prepared. Get Layden on the phone with at least one press outlet to answer a few questions and clear up a few concerns. Appear on Twitter and respond to a couple of fans.

It’s really not hard, in this day and age, to get your message out to fans quickly and easily. They’re sloppy and really closed off at the moment and it needs to be better.

The thing is they were the trailblazers with this stuff. The Sony of 2013 would never have let this story break without some communication around it.

Hard to disagree with this. Has Sony even commented on this yet? 

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