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Sony: "we're skipping E3 2019 because we have no games"

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Can you imagine...........morons who paid $500 for a third Xbox console, and its going to get smoked by the PS5 while Microsoft actually starts releasing lower-graphics games so that its easier for them to stream them. lol

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1 minute ago, jehurey said:

Can you imagine...........morons who paid $500 for a third Xbox console, and its going to get smoked by the PS5 while Microsoft actually starts releasing lower-graphics games so that its easier for them to stream them. lol

Not only will the One X be getting smoked by the PS5, but by the time the PS5 comes out the One X might actually have a game on it that looks better than Sony's first party exclusives on PS4 Pro... if not it'll be the most worthless under utilized flop in the history of consoles. :tom:

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If Sony gets a headstart, it'll probably only be by about 4-6 months. They will release PS5 in Spring 2020.


Microsoft simply CANNOT release a new piece of hardware in Late 2019. That would be the ultimate insult to morons who had plunked down $500 less than 24 months ago.

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56 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

Not only will the One X be getting smoked by the PS5, but by the time the PS5 comes out the One X might actually have a game on it that looks better than Sony's first party exclusives on PS4 Pro... if not it'll be the most worthless under utilized flop in the history of consoles. :tom:

Not only that, after the next Xbox releases, if ever, Sony will release the PS5 Pro 1 year later effectively cancelling any power advantage from MS. Sony is strategy king.

Edited by dakur
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Microsoft fucked themselves by releasing the Xbox One X in 2017. They were 14 months later than the PS4pro, and they still charge $100 more on top of that.


They can't ask lemmings to pony up another $500 consoles in 2019. They would get slaughtered by gamers on forums and the gaming press.


The only strategizing Sony would need to do is announce their console in 2019 (which MS really cannot do, either) and release it in early 2020. Xbox will always be behind, which means they will be fucked no matter what.

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