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MS Holiday marketing deals, how MS pick such FLOPS

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10 minutes ago, dakur said:

They are in no position to decide. Being the laughing stock of the gen has left them with having to pick up Sony's leftovers.

You're right... but they absolutely *COULD* bully their way into these deals... but it would be extremely expensive and not worth the investment.

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MS has given up on the hardcore gamer and instead has catered to the casual/new players/clueless parents/non-gamers. It’s been evident with a PUBG bundle and Sony is offering RDR2 and Spider-Man PS4 bundles. Hell, Nintendo has a Diablo 3 Switch console and the upcoming Smash bundle. 

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Becauae Microsoft has no clue about gaming or what gamers want.


Look at all the garbage they used to publish on the OG xbox. Look at how the late 360 onwards era became forza forza halo halo gears gears kinect.


They simply don't have a clue

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19 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

Becauae Microsoft has no clue about gaming or what gamers want.


Look at all the garbage they used to publish on the OG xbox. Look at how the late 360 onwards era became forza forza halo halo gears gears kinect.


They simply don't have a clue

Crimson Skies and the first Fusion Frenzy weren't bad at least. :ben:

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5 hours ago, Beta Bux Romeo said:

A poor week for Fallout and Hitman. And less said about Battlefield V next week the better It’s almost as if releasing all those major adult action games within a six week period was a bad idea



Hitman 2 looks to be an all-around improvement of the first one from 2016; but I think they launched into a very crowded market, and will suffer for it...

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